Looking for CL posters/Emailers $150 a week work about 2 hours a day


Nov 14, 2008
Reaction score
Hey I need posters with CL accounts that work (or phone verified) your job will be posting and emailing for me. I can't pay upfront right now but I definitely will pay weekly through wires or paypal. AND I WILL SERIOUSLY PAY, WHAT I AM GIVING YOU IS A FRACTION OF WHAT I MAKE AND IM NOT GOING TO BE DOING ANY WORK. My CL account doesn't work anymore. The emailing part is simply replying to who ever emails regarding the posting with a email response i wrote. The only thing you have to do is write there name after "Hey" and click send. All you have to do is post 20 post a day and respond to all the emails. With my experience with responding emails (which i get 200 a day or so) it takes about 10-15 minutes to reply to 100 emails. You must reply to at least 200 a day, if you do more i'll pay you more. The only hard part is making the postings unique but my post are usually 3-4 sentences which isn't hard. I get paid weekly and so will you. PM me if your interested. My aim is CJoe000 so talk to me on there too im online 24 hours a day. Thanks
Why wouldnt anybody do it for himself and keep all the money instead of posting for you?

BTW you posted in the wrong section mate. This should be in the BST or freelancers category!
Send me a PM I already have someone doing this for me and they are always looking to make more money

haha, wow, I feel bad for whoever you take advantage of...
2 hours a day for 150 bucks a WEEK.......20 bucks a day...10 bucks an hour. Might as well flip burgers.
Thank God I make a little more than 150 bucks a week on CL lol
no one who has any idea of what they are doing will work for those kind of slave wages

You need to outsource this job on DP or some-other sucker network, this is BHW we do things differently here. Youd be better off asking someone to write a script to do what your asking then to employ somebody. Nobody does manual labor in cyberspace, computers are built to automate tasks.