Looking for as many Pay per Signup programs as possible


Registered Member
Nov 6, 2008
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im looking for pay per signup programs with at least lets 5 $ per free sign up. no dating and adult please. can someone help ???

Sign up with Hydranetwork they have lots of auto offers that pay atleast $11
thank you it looks really nice. but i dont think that i have a website that matches their requirements. any advice how i can apply anyway ??
hi filmont, try 000webhost, they offer you $5 per free sign up. you get auto accepted. you need to reach 20 sign ups to get paid (min $100). the sign ups have to have an active site for 30 days in order for it to count as a payment.
thank you wakkoaka. im looking for programs like this, important is to become auto accepted. any more ??
So you're looking to make money, but you don't want to do what it takes to make the money...??. Adult & dating are the two top (pay per free) affiliate programs, so why wouldn't you give it a try??..

If the wife doesn't like it at first...she'll sure help you spend the paychecks later!!..lol
haha :) alright ill give it a try. so which ones to chose ??
Depends, credit card or not credit card? theres one on adult alchemy that pays $30 per USA free member, cc required tho. webcams.com pays $25 per free member (free member gets $10 to spend on webcams), cc required. I dont know of any adult sites that pay more than $5 per free sign up without cc. But if u dont mind getting people to whip out credit cards, then give the top two a whirl.
What about dating programs that auto-accept, and pay less than $5 per sign-up, and definitely do pay? Reliable companies? Sorry filmont, not to Hi-jack your thread. Just trying to find something to do..
6dgr.com pays $4 per sign up, $3 second level, $2 third level, users have to be active. just another one i found today, i wish i could post my aff link lol, but thats just spam and gay. I think it asks you to have a sponsor, spose you can pm me if you want to be generous :P
hey vashtai can you pm me with more information ?? thanks