Looking for a thread but i cant find it


Banned - Multiple Rules Violations
Dec 31, 2008
Reaction score
I searched the forum but i dont know why i cant find it

I remember yesterday there was a thread ( probably in lounge ) about one of the members who had been scammed by a company a couple of thousands dollars. Then he will setup a couple of websites and start spreading bad reviews about that company, after a few months the company pay him back.

I have a similar situation and i am looking for him for some advice,
any one remember that thread?
Tried looking for you as I remember that thread. I think the person used the name of the company in the domain and outranked the company itself therefore making the company give into his demands and paying him the money he was suppose to receive. If I find it I will pm you.
Thanks guys , 1+ rep added :D
I often run into this problem where I forget a thread that I was interested in. The best way to search for it is to use Google and try to put in as many of the unique words you remembered reading in the thread.

In this case, I think there was something about hells angels mentioned in the thread.

So a search in Google for "hells angels"+"scam"+"contract"+"money"+"blackmail"+site:blackhatworld.com

bingo - you will get it in a few seconds. Something to keep in mind for the future I suppose.
i have learned that if there is a good thread to save it offline. often times really good threads get moved to exec vip or jr vip.