Looking for a a talented individual to join our team [40+ hours][$400-$1900 per month]


Junior Member
Apr 7, 2013
Reaction score
We are not looking for just a service to hire, we are looking for someone to join our team on a permanent bases. You would be included in future decisions regarding the direction of the site and treated as a member of our team. Please only apply if you are willing to work on this project like your own.

Working Hours:
Full time 40 hours per week.

Pay: $400-$1900 per month depending on skill level, your written English, experience, and country of origin.


Countries accepted:

Languages accepted:
English - Must have great written and spoken English.

Ages Accepted:

Skills required:

  • Applicants should have a basic knowledge of Photoshop
  • Must have a good eye for design
  • Must know their way around social networking sites and especially Facebook pages
  • Must be able to use initiative and follow orders
  • Must have experience with using sites similar to 9gag, reddit etc.

Software needed:

  • Photoshop
  • Internet browser
  • Google Hangouts

Times needed:

You should be able to spare 40 hours per week with a regular working pattern.

Job Role:
Your role may adapt and change as time goes by. For now your role would be finding content to post to our site/Facebook page.

If you think you are capable drop me a message.

Please contact me for more details.
Skype: lee.smith118
