Longest thread of Best of clickbank and affiliate network.


Junior Member
Aug 15, 2010
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I don't want to write I made $10000 in month, even if I never seem IM money.

I want all people please make this thread useful to all newbies.

I am new to affiliate marketing , interested in making money lots of money. Please suggest which products ( not network please) to promote. I just joined Click bank but totally confused with 10000 products.

I also invested in tweetattck , but no success , flowing 2000 , followers is just 20 in three day

There is any secret to increase follower. Please post some suggestion.

I am ready to invest 4-6 hour per day and work hard to earn at lest $30 per day. I am good in article writing, back linking, SEO and web development. Can i use these in affiliate marketing.

Please don't offer any products to me , I already lost more then $500 on DP and one fu****r , Now I just need free help.
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No one commentated yet.......... welcome all members to leave some useful comment.
Here is how you can make money with twitter even if you don't have followers:

Major Requirements:
Tw*tter account

Step1: Login your twitter account.

Step2: Go to


Step3: (This is the part where you will search for targeted users for your affiliate product). For example you are promoting a weight loss product, then you would want to search like:

"want to lose weight" -http

All users who posted "want to lose weight" will appear in the search results. And the purpose of -http is to filter users who posted tweets with links. Since there are already a lot of twitter marketers in twitter so expect that they will be twitting their affiliate/product links.

Step4: Once you see a user who twitted like:
[Tw*tter user]: Oh gosh! I gained a lot of weight. I'm beginning to notice that my cheeks are getting chubby. Can any1 help me? I want to lose weight.

If you saw something a tweet like this, you would want to reply him/her with a tweet that is related to weight loss products and you would want to promote or convince the user that the product is effective and working.

I have used this product and it works really great! I have lost ten pounds in a couple of days. It's simply amazing! affiliatelink <use shortening>

Step5: Rinse and Repeat

There are a lot of ways to promote affiliate links. Use some twists and don't limit in weight loss products. And use your own words and don't copy what I have stated above for replying tw*tter users. There is no guarantee that you will gain sale in your first tweet but if you devote your time at least four hours a day or maybe more, you could get neat results. If the product is not selling try other products, there are a plethora of products that can be sold online. Hope this mini guide helps you. Cheers~
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Here is another idea, although I have not tried it myself yet. Get yourself BHW Jr. VIP membership, and then you will see a button, pressing which sends $1000 instantly to your paypal!. This has been verified by a number of Jr. VIP's here.

However, there is one small problem. You need 100 quality post in order to become an Jr. VIP. So, spend some days making useful posts, contributing to the forum, rather than bumping your own thread as if we owe you some explanation.
Thanks for idea man I am going to implement from today only. Now I have 200 followers following me , but I don't no hot to reach 10K or 20K some of you have.:o

Sorry to all BHW member if my thread is irritating you, I don't no how to to remove the thread .

Hope so any one suggest me good CPA, so that I can make money may $25 per day..
I have about 50k of twitter followers! How to make some money ?