Logic Bombs?


Oct 5, 2008
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Imagine this: your sitting in your man-cave, reading up on the newest flaws in M$ latest opsys, and all of the sudden the door fly's open ad in come the men in black, they take your computers and all your CD/DVD/tapes, and your left with nothing.

what happens then?

well the average person would be fined and go to jail, because everyone has free music, and some "free" programs"

what i want to know is, what can i do?

i want to build a simple, multipurpose logic bomb that will take out my systems in case something like this were too happen. i want to build it like a timer, so if i dont log in for like 2 days then the bomb goes off.

any suggestions on where i can read up on this kind of thing?

all help is appreciated.
Been watching one too many Xfiles and late night SCI-FI?
lol, nope just a little worried about doing jail time.

(although i do enjoy a good late-night-sci-fi)
that's a pretty crazy idea...but but good nonetheless. i love the use of LILO and GRUB, that hadn't even crossed my mind....

and btw, what exactly do you mean by have one partition in another? hadn't thought you could do that.

and while that's something i will defiantly try out, i don't see it as a long-term fix, i was thinking something more along the links of a controlled virus. like the Chernobyl Virus, it attaches itself to your files and overwrite parts of them, and over time it make soup of your files.

(Also, remote activation would be PIMPIN SWEET! for instance i could from my cell phone activate the destruction process.)

Use a total encryption for your HDD so you will need to login before all files are decrypted. Most hackers use this technique because you cannot be harassed for not "knowing" a password. And the decryption of all files would take ages.
Man, just because your paranoid, doesn't mean they're not after you. lol

In my opinion, once they kick in your door. Your fu**ed. They already have enough info already. Your computers will only add icing on the cake.

Basically, it is 'Do Not Pass Go' time.
Well if all your stuff is up to date.. Try some type of virus scenario..

Just an idea, but doubt it is possible.. Create a boot sequence that creates a new partition while deleting the old one after a invalid login has been performed..

You know theres external drives right? :)

I don't know what exactly you are worried about, but you can VERY easily stealth one in your office with no traces.
If you're that paranoid, you should rig up some kind of thermite device into your computer, and have it go off at the flip of a switch (or remotely (hooked up via cell phone)).


Mind you, thermite burns at a temperature of about 4000 degrees Fahrenheit, so uhh BE CAREFUL!.

Props: I first saw something similar to this on an episode of thebroken with Kevin Rose and his Egyptian friend toasting a laptop.

EDIT: Found it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ij6huKsW0Z0

I noticed he just poured the thermite into his laptop's drive. It would be better to find a CD/floppy drive, seal it up, and fill it with thermite and a magnesium strip for a fuse, and keep in in the laptop 24/7. Don't worry, the temps in your computer aren't hot enough to ignite the thermite...
Just hope hes not in a apartment top floor and kills his neighbors..

If all works as planned though, could also be charged with arson.. Oh wth let it burn!
Just hope hes not in a apartment top floor and kills his neighbors...

If all works as planned though, could also be charged with arson.. Oh wth let it burn!
Ha, yeah, or burns down the entire apartment complex, killing multiple neighbors... :(

Of course, thermite is supposed to be a last resort kind of thing, but when you've got feds knocking down your door you don't have time to let a HD wipe run to NSA or Gutmann standards... I guess you have to decide how far you're willing to go at that moment.

I suppose simply removing the drive and shooting it with a gun would work.. but then again, hope you don't live on a 2nd floor, or ricochet into yourself lol.

On second thought, just ignite the fuse and throw the computer out the window. Hopefully nobody is passing by... That or keep your computer over a bunch of bricks...

And for the record, destroying evidence is illegal. Like another user said, if they already have that much info on your (your address, for instance), and are coming through your door, then you're already fucked.

But on a side note: http://16systems.com/zero/index.html
Just leave the side of the case open and keep this bad boy handy. Won't wipe to zero, but I can't imagine a hard drive reacting positively to it. :)


"Two magnets of this size will fly together with great force and can break bones. Wear safety glasses. Use heavy gloves. "

From the sales page.
All you really need is a pocket EMP generator.

Here, this will get you started...

if your are serious and have the funds, I would incorporate some type of two-factor authentication into your pc a(1.) something you know and (2) biometrics....
be warned, deleting data from a disk only tells the operating system what sectors of the disk it can re write over. This is why you can easily recover deleted data.

If you're into computer forensics, you can recover information that has been wrote over 7 times (please confirm this, was told by someone but not sure if its a fact or not). Thus, you'd need to write over the whole disk with blank data, then do it another 6 times to be pretty safe.

The only methods i can think of now, are to have a device to break the seal on the hard-drive, destoying the vaccum required for data to be read. However the plate could be translanted and re-vaccumed, so you want to distort the topography of the disk (i.e. BEND THRE F**K OUT OF IT!) and run a very powerful magnet over it, randomly, in varying patterns.

In reality, thermite is easier. Just don't expect The rest of the motherboard to be there ... or the case ... or the desk ... or the floor ...

No ones gonna come in and take your computer. Don't worry so much!

I think this could b a business! "100% Secure Data Destruction At The Flick Of A Switch!"

I have everything required to make thermite downstairs too. we used to make it 5 years ago in chemistry. Iron oxide, aliminium filings and some magneisum ribbon to act as a fuse (as it burns hot enough to start it off & can be easily lit).

ARGH! that'd be so easy to do. Make a custom HDD case, layer of sand in the bottom, layer of thermite on the top with a strip of magnesium ribbon. Hook the ribbon upto an electric starter (not sure if it'd work, but if not, i'm sure a ligher & servo would), which is connected to a switch & a 9v battery.

That way it's self contained, won't destory anything else and cannot be shut off easily.

Plus, no ones gonna be able to stop thermite once it's started!
Actually, this may sound weird, but if you knew a little bit about electronics you could probably work something out. A buddy of mine had a game disc ruined in his game console (PS2 I think) because a hard shelled bug got in when he closed the lid. It killed the bug, but the shell somehow got trapped between the case and the disc. Completely jacked it up. Giant scratches all over it. And I believe that those don't spin as fast as a hard drive does.

I'd think with a little ingenuity you could rig a "squid" to drop dirt or something into the carriage while the disc was still spinning. A squid is the exploding ink cartridges they use to keep shoplifters from stealing. If you try to leave the store, it pops covering you with ink.

Same concept might be applicable to a hard disk, depending on the number of plattens etc.

Hmmm, a I see a new product being born in some hacker lab somewhere. :)
These are all excellent ideas, and I LOVE the thermite plans. Thanks for all your help guys, once I work something out I'll let you know what I did.
Here is what I did:

Create a crypted partition with dmcrypt (built in if linux kernel >= 2.6)

Mount the crypted partition, Install VmWare or VirtualBox

It works and is safe and you feel safe :).

If you feel like the famous hacker tron, you should additionally read the safety tips, some things should be avoided as a certain behaviour leaves potentially watermarks which could help encrypting the volumes.

The remaining problem is when they knock at the door and your crypted partition is just in that moment mounted and in use :(

One small intro could be:
In reality, thermite is easier. Just don't expect The rest of the motherboard to be there ... or the case ... or the desk ... or the floor ...

word, strap a thermite bomb to your harddrive :yield:
Scuba, although that would work, it would be very very hard to make!

HDD's are vaccum sealed so that no dust can be on the disk, and so that air risistance is virtually none existant to allow it to spin faster.

it'd be very hard to re-seal the hdd once you've placed the device in. However, if you have access to a cleanroom and a vaccum chamber, i'd go for it!

Maybe multinational companies should do stuff like this :p
Why not a combination of these methods? Forget the thermite though.

For example:

Store sensitive data on highly encrypted external harddrives only. These should have a keyfile with a long-ass keyphrase to decrypt them, which should be stored on a encrypted USB pendrive, like Iron Key, with a easy-to-remember keyphrase. Probably good thing to have a backup or two in some secure places outside of your home. Also it's easy to encrypt USB pendrives with TrueCrypt, however these require TrueCrypt for decryption so they're not standalone.

Optionally you could also have some light encryption on the HDD your OS is running on. Obviously disable indexing.

Then buy yourself one or two of these magnets, they have a holding strength of approx. 220 lbs (100kg) as illustrated by the dude hanging from the ceiling. Preferably keep the magnets close, but at a safe distance from anything computer related. Probably a good idea to clearly mark where they are (it should be obvious to you at least) so you don't put anything with digital content on or near them by mistake.

And the most important step: get yourself a decent lawyer.

So if and when the popo's come knocking, you destroy the USB pendrive (smash it with a hammer, burn it or something), quickly put the external harddrives on the magnets and then exercise your fifth amendment rights (if you're in the US that is), meaning you STFU untill you have your lawyer present.

Anything that you say, CAN and WILL be used against you in a court of law. This is important to understand, because NOT A SINGLE THING YOU SAY to the cops will help you if you're being accused of a crime. They WILL use it against you in some way, shape or form. One more reminder: DON'T TALK TO THE COPS.

Basicly this way, they may recover some data, but anything sensitive is heavily encrypted, damaged and you've lost the keyphrase to decrypt it so you have at least partial plausible deniability, and most importantly you didn't incriminate yourself by opening your st00pid mouth to the cops.

And how much will this cost you? Minimum cost around $60-70 (magnet $50 x 1, USB pendrives $10 x 2) and a day or two of setting up, because you should probably wipe your HD's before implementing this.

Also another idea that could be combined with this would be to have some decoy HD's FULL of legal junk. Conceilment through misinformation.

Another issue altogether is cleaning up your online footprint. These days companies, even Google, will give up private information to the gov't if pressured even the slightest.