Hi OP,
Apologies if I'm wrong, but this seems very shady. Why is it that you say you run a dedicated network where you can open and close ports, yet cannot guarantee uptime past 10 minutes? Business-wise, you'd make more money if you offered a static service with 100% uptime along with your back-connect service, but you don't, which makes me worry about where these proxies that you say are on a "dedicated network" come from.
Now the following is not accusation, but mere speculation: if I had a botnet that I wanted to monetize, my service would probably look exactly like the one you offer. I could open SMTP 25 on certain zombies and charge a premium for them, set up a web server with a back-connect dynamic IP changing every x amount of minutes, and do it all under the guise of a "dedicated network".
But there's one thing a botnet can't do no matter what, and that's guarantee uptime. This is because no matter how much control a botnet operator might have of a zombie while the power is on, they cannot stop the computer operator itself from simply pressing the power button, and that's why I'm skeptical.
If your service was offered exactly like it is with 100% uptime, I'd have no doubt that your network is legitimate. However, selling residential proxies with the preface that they're "special proxies" that could go down at any time raises serious red flags that you're just monetizing a botnet.
I'm sure myself and other members would be more inclined to purchase your service if you could prove that your network is legitimate. Again, I'm not accusing, but right now the idea that your service is a botnet seems to be just what makes the most sense to me.