Local Rank and Rent. Journey to £2k/month


Junior Member
Jun 10, 2019
Reaction score
For those of you that don't know what rank and rent is. I will basically be making generic websites for local service businesses that are well optimised for phone calls and emails.

I actually started this journey 212 days ago when I first registered my domain, I had content on the site at the time but my files got corrupted and I never got round to redoing my website content. The site was blank for 150+ days. I still built some links to it while there was no content on the page (don't know if this was a good idea) but it seemed to work as when I updated my site with content yesterday I shot up to rank #12 for a 720ms KW and rank #6 for a 110ms KW.


Hoping to get to the #1 spot soon. This site is in the cleaning industry and average lead cost is £10 so once its fully ranked id hope to get 30 calls a month and rent it out for £300/m. Never done any kind of outreach or cold calling so that should be fun :P
Will you rent out the leads ? How this renting thing works ..

The phone number I have listed on the site is a call tracking number, which means I can direct people calling the number on my site to a local businesses phone line. I will rent the site for a monthly fee instead of billing for each lead as it just seems like a much simpler option that will reduce admin/customer service
Emailed around 15 companies that are past page 2+ to see if I can get any interest. Not going to cold call until the site is actually generating some decent calls.
Emailed around 15 companies that are past page 2+ to see if I can get any interest. Not going to cold call until the site is actually generating some decent calls.

Neat idea I too considered this once before.
You could also hire someone to do the job and keep more money in the pocket + grow as a business.
You could also hire someone to do the job and keep more money in the pocket + grow as a business.

I was actually thinking about just doing the cleaning business myself if I’m not able to rent it out. I estimate the website would bring in £300 monthly recurring revenue so £300 month 1, £600 month two,£900 month three ect. It would cost me £4k in equipment tho
Question: What are the best industries to use for this OP?
Question: What are the best industries to use for this OP?

I don’t know, this is the first site I’ve ever created . but I guess any service business, any business that does call outs, in person quotes etc. Once I get this site to the #1 spot, I’ll create 5 new sites for roofers, electricians, plumbers.
I don’t know, this is the first site I’ve ever created . but I guess any service business, any business that does call outs, in person quotes etc. Once I get this site to the #1 spot, I’ll create 5 new sites for roofers, electricians, plumbers.

Thanks, yeah I asked because builders seem to get tons of referral work as would other industries I guess. The ones you mentioned above sound good though.
Definitely going to try to rank some US sites at some point, you guys have crazy lead prices
Just bought some niche edits (not from this forum) hopefully that will get me close to the #1 spot.

Did not get any responses from my emails, tbh I didn't put much effort into the copy and it probably looked a little spammy. if I cant rent the site out ill just start the business myself as it will be easy to do, just need to invest £4k into equipment. Hopefully I can get some responses once im #1 :)
Emailed around 15 companies that are past page 2+ to see if I can get any interest. Not going to cold call until the site is actually generating some decent calls.
But if they call how will answer them ?
Like whats the purpose to put a number with no respond ?/
I don’t know, this is the first site I’ve ever created . but I guess any service business, any business that does call outs, in person quotes etc. Once I get this site to the #1 spot, I’ll create 5 new sites for roofers, electricians, plumbers.
My father has a pest control company. I am starting to do some local SEO for him and I discovered something absolutely shocking. All the high ranked sites have terrible metrics. Their Backlinks are almost non existent and you know what the average CPC is for the local cities? A search term like "Pest control in _______". Is $100-170 dollars. This is higher than the CPC I've seen for local dentists or Lawyers. I've decided to do some local rank and rent for my hometown and surrounding areas. I see someone else is looking to do the same and they are rank 10 on the keyword with only one article on a 2 month old site.

Look into pest control. You would be amazed at the cost of ads for the keywords.
I tried this a few years ago with restaurants in a middle size town ,I ranked the site and started contacting owners to rent them the site they told me to fuck off :)
I guess restaurants are not the right target for this method .
I did not try again with another niche .
@Jokull I think your CPC regarding Pest Control is off, having built many PC sites and owning a successful, local PC company, the average CPC is between $4 to $30 ($30 being on the high end).

Example: Pest Control in Texas = $20 CPC

It's a very tough market that is dominated by Google ads and larger national companies, most PC jobs range from $50 to $300 or so. Maybe it would be worth it in a very small town, but large cities are going to be VERY hard to rank and rent. Lastly, most of the companies ranking for PC in those cities may appear to have poor backlinks, but I can assure you almost ALL of them are using well designed and hidden PBN's as its so competitive to rank in the niche.
@Jokull I think your CPC regarding Pest Control is off, having built many PC sites and owning a successful, local PC company, the average CPC is between $4 to $30 ($30 being on the high end).

Example: Pest Control in Texas = $20 CPC

It's a very tough market that is dominated by Google ads and larger national companies, most PC jobs range from $50 to $300 or so. Maybe it would be worth it in a very small town, but large cities are going to be VERY hard to rank and rent. Lastly, most of the companies ranking for PC in those cities may appear to have poor backlinks, but I can assure you almost ALL of them are using well designed and hidden PBN's as its so competitive to rank in the niche.

I'm not talking big cities. I am talking smaller areas about 1 hour from main metro areas. Some of these towns, the big companies won't even bother going to because they don't want to pay employees to drive that far.
hometown has 25,000 people and if you add up the whole county , around 150,000 people.
My Father's company ranks like #5 with no SEO work. Pest control is only 150-300 per job sure for residential but most of these local companies will try to get contracts. The big money maker is commerical contracts. With around 10-15 commerical contracts you can make 6 figures a year. Residential is just the extra filler. Believe me. The guy that ranks #1 in my hometown just pays for ads and only ranks because his site has been up for so long.

If I were to look at the big metro city area, sure it would be insane to try to rank. But these smaller towns have literally nobody putting in work to rank, they just get contacted by shitty agencies that milk them for all their worth to run some ads and don't do any real SEO work.

There is big money to be made in small rural counties.