Loads of City Pages and Internal Links / Possible SEO Trouble?


Feb 4, 2023
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Mesdames et Messieurs,
I run a site for a buddy of mine that offers a particular service in a bunch of cities across the country. To accommodate this, I've created about 150 City Pages, each targeting a different city (e.g. “example.com/locksmith-newyork”, “example.com/locksmith-newark”, “example.com/locksmith-yonkers” and so on). Each of these pages has basically the same content, the only change is the name of the city. The keywords I am targeting are obviously always the combination “SERVICE LOCATION”.

I've put links to all these City Pages in the footer of each page on the site, under the title "Our Delivery Area". I'm kind of worried about the sheer volume of these internal links. I understand that a lot of internal links isn't necessarily bad for SEO, but I wonder if so many (we're talking 150 links here) might be considered bad by search engines. Those site's actually performing pretty well. I'm ranking in the top 3 for some cities on Google. According to Google's Search Console, out of all the city pages I've created, only about 10 have not been indexed, which isn't too bad considering the total number. Additionally, I've experimented with reducing the number of internal links in the footer to just 20 as a test, but I didn't notice any changes or improvements.

Also interestingly, none of the pages have been flagged as duplicate content, despite their high similarity. I guess that's a good thing, but it's got me wondering about the non-indexed pages. The content on these City Pages is about 98% the same, only the name of the city changes.

And lastly, I wanted to ask if simply including these City Pages in sitemap.xml is enough for search engines to index them properly, or if having links in the footer is necessary or even good.