Live In USA, Approved for UK EPN but not US EPN, got questions!


Junior Member
Jul 31, 2008
Reaction score
So, a short while back I got approved for each country except for
my own. So, can I or should I still promote ebay?

I guess I'm just wondering how it works, if I'm promoting ebay on my site
and someone clicks my link and it directs them to UK when they were expecting

Anyone else have this situation? Would love some advice!

BTW, recently applied again for usa far no word but I'm keeping my fingers crossed. :)
yeah good luck dude latelly they aren't accepting anyone at all ive been waiting for a month now and nothing, so one way out is probly to buy one i guess its spendy but it does the trik.!
Not quite an answer to my question but thanks anyway.

Anyone else?
Maybe the only way is to get UK traffic? Get people who would actually use eGay for that country? I am not very experienced, but I would assume that would work. At least until you get accepted to the US.