Live in the UK? Like Dominos Pizza? Mmmm


Junior Member
Apr 7, 2010
Reaction score
Something a bit fun I come accross, turn the competition to all BHW'ers.

(i cant post links but the url below should be obvious
facebookcom /DominosPizza?v=app_203913771966

They have something called superfans, and whoever refers the most friends gets a free pizza, with all our accounts, lets see if we can have somebody here win the free pizza each week.

Basic strategy:

Use an account which has all your fake profiles as friends, invite them all then accept the invites through the accounts, winners are announced 6pm friday i think.
Something a bit fun I come accross, turn the competition to all BHW'ers.

(i cant post links but the url below should be obvious
facebookcom /DominosPizza?v=app_203913771966

They have something called superfans, and whoever refers the most friends gets a free pizza, with all our accounts, lets see if we can have somebody here win the free pizza each week.

Basic strategy:

Use an account which has all your fake profiles as friends, invite them all then accept the invites through the accounts, winners are announced 6pm friday i think.

Dude, all of this for a free pizza? What ever happened to making money? ROFL :lmao:
Having recently moved to the UK from Australia, I can assure you that this is not worth the effort. Pizza in the UK - Dominos, especially - is some of the lamest food I've ever met. Better off eating the cardboard box it came in, it'll have more topping than the pizza.
Nice idea, though. Why don't they run these things with free cars as prizes? :)
lol this is lame, i wouldnt even do it for a year's supply. haha