I have a little method that i want to share that can earn you some passive side income + you will get some free stuff. If nothing works for you i think this is almost fool proof. However, you will need to put work in this is not for lazy people. It's not a get rich quick scheme. Some people even make big money by doing this (not this exact method but similar) however it's a numbers game in the end.
Anyway, for this method you will need an amazon associates account, youtube account and/or website + a facebook and paypal account.
Step 1/ Go to facebook and search for: amazon product review groups. These are groups where you can get free products on amazon from the sellers in exchange for a positive review. This is basically a win/win situation the sellers get's positive reviews so makes more sales over time and you get something for free. The downside is you have to pay upfront for the products you buy on amazon. (so you need a little cash, not for completely broke people) Most sellers will pay you back only with paypal and after making the review. However if you build a good relationship with them (often sellers have multiple products they need a review for) then some will just give you the money upfront. This is something you would have to negotiate yourself.
Most of the products in these groups are just cheap chinese things like phone cables, phone cases, led lightning, smart watches, ... Sometimes you will find some cool gadgets tho.
Step 2/
Now that you got a free product of choice, made the review on amazon and got your money back. You can now use this product to earn some passive income with. Since this product is being sold on amazon you can link with your own affiliate links to the product and receive a commission if someone buys something. I think youtube is great for the purpose of making product reviews because often people want to see how a product looks like in real life before buying. Pictures say sometimes more than words and video is even better.
Make a youtube channel and upload a nice video where you review the product, then in the description put an affiliate link.
Pro's of this method:
You can pretty much "unlimited" scale this, there are always sellers who have products that need to be reviewed. And there are so many products on amazon, i think it's never saturated because of that reason.
This is a numbers game. You need a shitload of views for this to make you enough where you are able to live from it. But on the other hand, where you find this magical products with crazy conversions. You can search for it a long time. It's more about being consistent.
Other variations on this method would be using a website instead of youtube. But i think it's less important in that case to actually own the product. While if you make a video you have to own the product. (unless it's a shitty powerpoint video with stock images)
Anyway, for this method you will need an amazon associates account, youtube account and/or website + a facebook and paypal account.
Step 1/ Go to facebook and search for: amazon product review groups. These are groups where you can get free products on amazon from the sellers in exchange for a positive review. This is basically a win/win situation the sellers get's positive reviews so makes more sales over time and you get something for free. The downside is you have to pay upfront for the products you buy on amazon. (so you need a little cash, not for completely broke people) Most sellers will pay you back only with paypal and after making the review. However if you build a good relationship with them (often sellers have multiple products they need a review for) then some will just give you the money upfront. This is something you would have to negotiate yourself.
Most of the products in these groups are just cheap chinese things like phone cables, phone cases, led lightning, smart watches, ... Sometimes you will find some cool gadgets tho.
Step 2/
Now that you got a free product of choice, made the review on amazon and got your money back. You can now use this product to earn some passive income with. Since this product is being sold on amazon you can link with your own affiliate links to the product and receive a commission if someone buys something. I think youtube is great for the purpose of making product reviews because often people want to see how a product looks like in real life before buying. Pictures say sometimes more than words and video is even better.
Make a youtube channel and upload a nice video where you review the product, then in the description put an affiliate link.
Pro's of this method:
You can pretty much "unlimited" scale this, there are always sellers who have products that need to be reviewed. And there are so many products on amazon, i think it's never saturated because of that reason.
This is a numbers game. You need a shitload of views for this to make you enough where you are able to live from it. But on the other hand, where you find this magical products with crazy conversions. You can search for it a long time. It's more about being consistent.
Other variations on this method would be using a website instead of youtube. But i think it's less important in that case to actually own the product. While if you make a video you have to own the product. (unless it's a shitty powerpoint video with stock images)