I have been accepted at over 20 networks without a single problem. Here are some very simple items that almost guarantee success:
1) Be confident (being a good bullsh*tter goes a long way too)
2) Talk a lot about your previous success in CPA ("I've made $3000 a month the last several months but I'm trying other networks to see what they have to offer")
3) Talk more than the person asking questions. They ask: "what kind of CPA experience do you have". You take a 3 minute answer and throw everything at them: talk about SEO, site building, writing articles, the money you've made, the fact that you like to promote dating programs......you basically just have diarrhea of the mouth!! Trust me, they don't really want to be on the phone with you all that long...you've just won the battle
4) Most importantly, if you have a not so great site, that's completely OK. You just tell them that you "aren't going to promote their offers on that site anyway. I'm going to drive tons of traffic to you through PPC, article marketing, and my HUGE double opt-in email list. Did I mention that I was an expert marketer?" Again just run your mouth
5) Finally, they will likely ask you what your best promoting offer has been. Just tell them: "I don't limit myself to any one niche. I am an animal and I will promote whatever makes me money. I have promoted everything from A to Z and I am simply greedy. Trust me affiliate manager, I will make plenty of money for YOU AND I both.
Wow, this post is a little long sorry. Bottom line, just talk like you know what your doing (even if you don't) and you will be fine!!!