and One hour Indexing Scam !!! Guys beware of this company check the proof


Regular Member
Nov 24, 2013
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Hi guys Blackhat forums in one of the best SEO forums in world but of course there are people who scam you as well. People who play big games in SEO too scam hope most of you have heard about Linklicious and One hour indexing they are famous ran by a guy called Justin. Trust me guys this guys are lying on your face. This is the homepage of linkclious it clearly says this is a ""Guaranteed Crawling & Indexing Service"

This is the sole reason I was ready to try this software but once I started using this software I came to realize it didn't help me at all in indexing my links as links that I added 3-4 days before are still not showing up in majestic and ahrefs. So I finally decided to give up on this software and started using a different one which is thousand times better than linklicious. I don't want to mention the company name as you might think am trying to promote them. Am not trying to do anything here other than showing how this people scam you for nothing.

I forgot to cancel the subscription as to me this software was absolute piece of shit and so today after many days I see that I got billed 57$ for subscription and I straight away went to those guys and told them about the problem with the software and they agreed that it won't help you indexing but its just a "crawling" software I don't know what them meant but their homepage says something else. You can see the proof of this conversation down here. If its just a crawling software why did you mention its an indexing service as well. This guys think people around the world are just bunch of fools. This guy even asked me to go with their yet another bullshit software One hour indexing if I want to index links. See the image below. You can clearly see it

I then told this guys I just need the refund or else am going to charge back using my credit card for giving me false promises. And see how this guy responded back to me.

I then messaged them apologizing for talking about the charge back as I only told that as they said there is a strict "no refund" policy I didn't even use this shitty software even once after I found its not worth even a penny. This guys have not replied me back yet or haven't refunded me back. Am going to wait 24 hours if they still are not going to refund me am going to take legal actions for "fraud services" as their homepage suggest this is an indexing service along with Google crawling. I would never recommend anyone to use this indexer at all as this one is not an indexing to be frank it something else and even the creator of this doesn't know what "Linklicious" can really do.
I totaly agree with you that onehourindexing and linklicous are scams.
But I also need a good indexer for my service.
Can you please tell me what you reccomend?
Thank you!
thanks for this post... i was about to buy a subscription on onehourindexing but the reply by their email seems unprofessional.i agree its not 100 pct indexing but is crawling however their reply turn me off and probably my clients that i managing locally... well.. anyway i not affiliate to op
try lindexed or indexification their more highly profiled commercial provider
I had an issue with this company back in 2011 when they refused to give $54.00 in credits for onehourindexing due to paypal reversing a 10 cent charge as paypal thought it was a suspicious transaction. The ten cents was the difference between the amount I was trying to apply and the credit I had. Linkliicous owner called me a douche on these forums and accused me of charging back the ten cent transaction. So rather then let me fix it, they kept my 54 dollars. So I am another member of the linklicious owes me fifty dollars club.
To define scam, that means steal your money, which is something we clearly don't do. One Hour Indexing has been shown to be the top indexer in a few independent studies. If you want results, that's the way to go. (And Linklicious was the original crawling solution, if that's your strategy)

To address the OP, he's neglecting to give the full story. When you don't cancel, you get rebilled. Being rebilled was all on him. And when you open your email by attacking and making threats, of course I'm not going to go out of my way for you. As you can see in the links below, he only acted nice when I pointed out his threats didn't scare me. And within an hour after not getting a reply, he started attacking again. (And we won his dispute, btw)

If he had a valid issue, I'd be happy to talk to him and refund him. But as you can see in the email thread, he started off going nuclear when he was in the wrong.

At any given point we have around 4,000 customers we support. Every now and then we see these crazy stories. :)
I had an issue with this company back in 2011 when they refused to give $54.00 in credits for onehourindexing due to paypal reversing a 10 cent charge as paypal thought it was a suspicious transaction. The ten cents was the difference between the amount I was trying to apply and the credit I had. Linkliicous owner called me a douche on these forums and accused me of charging back the ten cent transaction. So rather then let me fix it, they kept my 54 dollars. So I am another member of the linklicious owes me fifty dollars club.

Their customer service is horrible. They double charged me. Cancelled my current subscription and downgraded. They charged me twice. Company refused to refund or even respond.

I filed a charge back with paypal, they submitted bogus tracking info which is outright fraud. I have tried contacting the owner Justin who has refused to respond.

Stay away from these guys.

Software isn't bad but the company is run by crooks.
i beleive owner of service is also on bhw, hope he will reply to your query.
" are still not showing up in majestic and ahrefs"

Sorry OP you lose all credibility by judging a Google indexing service by whether the links show up in Majestic and Ahrefs. You decided the product doesn't work because you don't understand what it does.
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Their customer service is horrible. They double charged me. Cancelled my current subscription and downgraded. They charged me twice. Company refused to refund or even respond.
I have tried contacting the owner Justin who has refused to respond.

Sorry you had a bad experience and not sure what you feel happened.

The thing is, since we don't store payment information and that's all handled by Paypal. So it is physically impossible for us to double charge you or downgrade you, even if we wanted to. Further, I did a search through our support ticket system and have no tickets with the keyword 'hamilton' in them for the past year. So if that's your name, that'd explain why there was no response.

I'm thinking this is a troll post from OP since it's a zero post account with something that isn't even possible. But feel free to email support with the pertinent details if you feel I'm in error. (And I'm Justin)
" are still not showing up in majestic and ahrefs"

Sorry OP you lose all credibility by judging a Google indexing service by whether the links show up in Majestic and Ahrefs. You decided the product doesn't work because you don't understand what it does.

Yeahhhh.... How many ways can you pick apart the issue, right? Sometimes the customer isn't right and needs to take accountability for what happens.

I'm sure we're not a great fit for everyone, but at least I can sleep at night knowing our services do a great job, that I give out superb information/educational info, and try to steer people the right way. Heck, I tell more people to get away from SEO than I do to use my stuff, just because I want them to not kill their site because they're a newb.

In any event, I think this thread has died. :)

*drop the mic*
Unfortunately linklicous no longer works, at least not for me. I've tested it number of times against free service 'pingfarm'. After submitting links (from my test sites so I could monitor live traffic) to pingfarm, google bot showed up within seconds to crawl those pages. When I submitted the same links to linklicous, google bot never showed up to crawl them. Obviously, if google isn't crawling the pages, it isn't aware of the links on them, until it discovers them on its own. What's the point of paying for a service which promises to make google 'aware' of backlinks and doesn't deliver.

As for the OP, he has no one to blame but himself, they clearly state that the trial is good for 7 days. Also I never had any billing problems with them, they respond to tickets very fast, got to give them credit for that. Too bad it no longer works. Time to move on.
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Unfortunately linklicous no longer works, at least not for me. I've tested it number of times against free service 'pingfarm'. After submitting links (from my test sites so I could monitor live traffic) to pingfarm, google bot showed up within seconds to crawl those pages. When I submitted the same links to linklicous, google bot never showed up to crawl them. Obviously, if google isn't crawling the pages, it isn't aware of the links on them, until it discovers them on its own. What's the point of paying for a service which promises to make google 'aware' of backlinks and doesn't deliver.

As for the OP, he has no one to blame but himself, they clearly state that the trial is good for 7 days. Also I never had any billing problems with them, they respond to tickets very fast, got to give them credit for that. Too bad it no longer works. Time to move on.

Thanks for the kind words - we try to stay on top of things over here!

Let me show you something that you may not be aware of. Linklicious pings and track crawls and repings. It may or may not come instantly, depending on what has already gone on on the site (each domain gets a crawl budget and no amount of pinging changes that). But we do ping!

As for pingomatic. believe it or not, it doesn't do anything at all. The most it can ping is one or two links at a time before your IP get blocked. (We get around this by using hundreds of thousands of proxies)

You can see what I mean in this short video:

Most people don't geek out at this stuff as much as we do and wouldn't realize what's going on behind the scenes. But nowyaknow!
Thanks for the kind words - we try to stay on top of things over here!

Let me show you something that you may not be aware of. Linklicious pings and track crawls and repings. It may or may not come instantly, depending on what has already gone on on the site (each domain gets a crawl budget and no amount of pinging changes that). But we do ping!

As for pingomatic. believe it or not, it doesn't do anything at all. The most it can ping is one or two links at a time before your IP get blocked. (We get around this by using hundreds of thousands of proxies)

You can see what I mean in this short video:

Most people don't geek out at this stuff as much as we do and wouldn't realize what's going on behind the scenes. But nowyaknow!

See Extropy I have no intention to ruin your business I just wrote about what I went through in your website and to let others know that your website is not worth the money we put into it. Most of the people here too think the same about your company. For all your services including - FAST indexing of your backlinks. Don't just ping...
- Scheduled link building, 6 different link types.

I would rate all this products very low compared to the best tools available now.

See this is where we differ. We have thousands of active, paying clients across every niche known to man and a few really odd ones like Hamster Breeding. We are constantly running tests for effectiveness and tweaking how things work. I know with 100% certainty that our service does exactly what it says it does and is better than many/most/all similar services.

It doesn't bother me when some people claim that our tools don't work so well because it just tells me that someone is trying to use a screwdriver to hammer in a nail. We build tools and it's up to the user to use them correctly. I'm happy to give guides to show how to use them properly, but ultimately it's on the user.

At the end of the day a comment link is a comment link and a profile link is a profile link, no matter who you get it from. And the 6 or 8 customer success emails we get a day show that link building still works.
See this is where we differ. We have thousands of active, paying clients across every niche known to man and a few really odd ones like Hamster Breeding. We are constantly running tests for effectiveness and tweaking how things work. I know with 100% certainty that our service does exactly what it says it does and is better than many/most/all similar services.

It doesn't bother me when some people claim that our tools don't work so well because it just tells me that someone is trying to use a screwdriver to hammer in a nail. We build tools and it's up to the user to use them correctly. I'm happy to give guides to show how to use them properly, but ultimately it's on the user.

At the end of the day a comment link is a comment link and a profile link is a profile link, no matter who you get it from. And the 6 or 8 customer success emails we get a day show that link building still works.

Great to hear that you might have thousands or may be in future you might have millions of people buying your service anyway what I shared is my opinion and you can see most of the comments left by people here says the same thing too. Am never buying any of your services and would never recommend it to anyone because if a customer doesn't like your product and he forgets to cancel the subscription you at least have to refund them when they come back and report this. Unless you tried showing it as those 57$ were the ones you were living with. This contradicts what you were saying "thousands of business" and when a client asks for refund and that too before I even used your service for that month you said noway am not refunding I need your money to live my life. Past is past I don't care about the money I lost I just can't tolerate such an attitude from anyone. Professionals doesn't do it. Anyway good luck with your attitude hope you have wonderful business out there.
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try lindexed or indexification their more highly profiled commercial provider

To be frank let me tell you never use any indexing software mate its not worth it. Just give time to links so that Google with index them they now give importance to only high quality link so anyway if they are high quality they will get indexed on time why do we have to waste 57$ month for it?