Linking between your own sites - is it alright to do so?


Elite Member
Sep 30, 2012
Reaction score

I've got a question in regards of interlinking between sites you own; I am not sure if this is allowed by google if you are using adsense.

Let me explain it with an example:

- I am in the Book niche.
- I have 4 websites.
1 - eCommerce; the mother website; here I only discuss about books in general without any SEO purpose.
2- Horror books; mns; i discuss horror books and i use SEO to optimize the page.
3- Science-Fi books; same as above.
4- X books; same as above.

What do I do?
Each of the mns (2,3,4) contain one link to the mother website (1). The link in show in the following manner: If you wish to learn more about other book styles follow this link -Link-.
The mother website as well as being an eCommerce, it has a section on the homepage under which says:
If you wish to learn more about horror books follow this link -link to horror book site-
Same for the other 2 sites.

A while ago I read about private networks and how interlinking among each other will get them deindexed.

Questions (using adsense + google for ranking):
- Is this considered as a private network (imagine we are talking about 20 sites and all of the mns have pr 3+).
- Is this allowed, meaning, will this get me penalized?

Thanks in advance!!!
Hey Reyone,

My two cents worth - I had entertainment sites all linked together. I was driving a decent amount of traffic to my main site (10K per day) and my sub sites were doing about 2K per day each.

My main site got hit during one of the algo updates and I heard that this could have been why. When I looked, I was only driving like 20 hits to the other sites. WTF. So basically I risked getting a penalty for 20 hits per day.

I have since de-linked them. If you are not driving significant traffic to the other sites, then it's not worth the risk.

If you are - then maybe someone else has direct experience.

Good Luck
Logically this SHOULDN'T be a problem, by linking the sites together you are somewhat helping the user experience.

HOWEVER with Google doing the things they do I would only happily link websites together that are on separate IPs and are not linked by a duplicate footer or web design.
Hey Reyone,

My two cents worth - I had entertainment sites all linked together. I was driving a decent amount of traffic to my main site (10K per day) and my sub sites were doing about 2K per day each.

My main site got hit during one of the algo updates and I heard that this could have been why. When I looked, I was only driving like 20 hits to the other sites. WTF. So basically I risked getting a penalty for 20 hits per day.

I have since de-linked them. If you are not driving significant traffic to the other sites, then it's not worth the risk.

If you are - then maybe someone else has direct experience.

Good Luck
Is this still a problem if you add "rel="nofollow" "?
I'm doing something similar to this. Haven't been penalized yet, but I'm pretty careful about how I do it.
If all the sites are on the same ip or same ip class then its not a good ideea, the best way its to get some seo hosting with multiple ips and host every site on a single ip and then link them togheter. I don't know if you get penalized for doing it but you can never know for sure.
Why is it not a good idea?

It doesnt matter, thats why.

If all the sites are on the same ip or same ip class then its not a good ideea, the best way its to get some seo hosting with multiple ips and host every site on a single ip and then link them togheter. I don't know if you get penalized for doing it but you can never know for sure.
As someone mentioned earlier, linking between your sites is OK when they are located in different hosts.
Well, let me tell you one thing, thats fucking bullshit.
I mean, you are doing it to enhance user experience and everything is under the same niche, you are simply helping them to locate another site related to the same niche.

I guess the solution is to place the links as images so the stupid crawler cant read (ofc without linking, simply hoping for the users to read it and type the domain)...