Lets say I'm running BH with my networks..


Regular Member
Dec 3, 2008
Reaction score
I will be honest, I am new to the CPA, and etc, and I've been working things out with a few networks now.

I have using a pay to click, or PTC site to generate leads by having the paid users go through my double-meta redirect to my actual offers.

I've generated roughly 97$ today (which is noob, you'd probably say) but this is my first day... and I'm not so much of an expert yet.

This is all from one network, however split between four different offers. I've managed to hammer about 35$ each on two offers..

I just wanted to know how I should cover my tracks so that my commissions would get locked in, and I get paid, and I would not be found out by the CPA company.

Should I go to my PTC site that I promote my offers on, and pay people to 'view' my actual offers, but not complete don't actually them?

If so, what ratio should would be considered 'safe' to stay away from the radar of the CPA? ( actual leads :: views)

Or, is there any other suggestion you can make for me?
what is ur conversion rate?
if you are using double metafresh you will be fine.
which ptc sites are you using?
also a lot depends on the backend conversion for the merchant.
pepperjam network - used this for starters. I found 4 offers that I could work with EASY and it worked!


Offer One = xx Clicks = xx$ ( 2$ per click = so only 10 didn't make it)
Offer Two = xxx Clicks = xx$ (3$ per lead) Clearly offer 2 seems more legit with

10%~ conversion. The first one.. not so much believable.. with 80% conversion.

Should I be spending some money to drive people