legal escort cash tricks?


Nov 21, 2008
Reaction score
Hey i am sorry but i really haven't been able to find anything =/

Does anybody have any tips or methods for this affiliate? I have been trying to come up with an idea like crazy to get these suckers to sign up haha
I dont know of any tips but most people are posting in the Casual Encounters section of craigslist and tell the guys they must verify before you meet them. It doesnt work great but the more ads you put out the more money you make. Try to make the pictures look as real as possible. No modeling pics or anything. Make it look real.
won't LEC get pissed when these guys dispute charges and say they never signed up for an escort subscription and cancel you??

I don't think it is worth the effort if your aff. will cancel you and keep the money.
LEC doesnt care at all. Thats the way they tell you to signup the guys... :)
you sure? they say to tell the guys you are an escort and need to verify them. but not trick them into dating and they need to sign up, thats why i didnt join. i didn't want to sign up and do something wrong. what about chargebacks? do you get hit for that? are they possible?

is there someone official from that company on here that could respond??
No they dont care. I was doing it that way for a long time and so has others. There is a guy on here you can pm to talk to.. Do a search for legal escorts cash and he has talked in there somewhere. And if customers do a chargeback you still keep the $15.
I also tried this and failed miserably. Of course I can't say I tried my best at it.
I got discouraged after the first ad thats all.
anyone here from LEC that can help us with this? 10+ sales a day would make my day already, i cant seem to access the forum and i am unable to get in touch with the help line in YIM
The best thing is not to promote the escort side of things, UNLESS you can target that niche specifically. Start up a site all about escorts, and use the FEVKey links. Otherwise, use the MeetSafer links. These convert much better if you're focused on the 1-on-1 casual encounters.

Also, WebCosmo is a very blackhat-friendly classified ad site. They even posted a bit on the LEC forums, I guess promoting their site when they were new, saying that they knew all about LEC and it was cool to post as many ads as you want there.

Some of those guys are having a shitload of sales consistently on a daily basis.

Outsourcing the replies to emails would be best, but one thing I've learned about using non-native English sources: Over the internet, text is everything. Poor text, poor experience. Guys usually become disinterested after they're told 'i am sexy lover i make good time for u'.