Laptop making beeping noise randomly.

Mar 6, 2014
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It's a high pitched sound for like a split second.

Is my laptop about to die on me lol? It's Windows 8.1.
Ok this may be the stupidest, easiest answer - but are you sure the power supply isn't unplugged? Our son's laptop does that when it's about to die and needs plugged in.
Any chance you have an HP Envy laptop? Mine does the same thing and have had it replaced already.
This problem in Desktop means RAM problem if im not wrong?
not sure about laptop though OP try googling it on google.....
Count the time in seconds between the beeps. Is it the same every time? Check a repair manual for that model and see what "beep every X seconds" means.

Could also be overheating reasons. Does it run very hot? Install a motherboard monitor or similar and check the temperatures.
To stop the problem from occurring again, turn the laptop and unscrew the screws and find the buzzer that is making noise. It'll look like a shirt button and will be in black color on most of the models. Pull it out of the board with a nose plier carefully to avoid damaging the motherboard. Don't forget to tighten the screws back else the hard disk drive will fall out. Hope I helped.
What's wrong with his posts?

The last 2 posts that he made is on a month old thread bumping it to frontpage. You can increase your post account by participating in the active threads but why pull a thread that has been answered and buried deep inside? I think it's better to let him know about the BHW rules rather seeing a thread from him later on asking why he got an infraction.
You have too much time on your hands maybe? A month is nothing, there are much older threads.

The last 2 posts that he made is on a month old thread bumping it to frontpage. You can increase your post account by participating in the active threads but why pull a thread that has been answered and buried deep inside? I think it's better to let him know about the BHW rules rather seeing a thread from him later on asking why he got an infraction.