Steve Krug-Don't make me think (2nd ed ) common sense approach to web usability This is about designing a website/page for ease of use, you only have 3 seconds of attention span.
Kristina Halvorson-Content Strategy for the Web- This is about content which many say is King. It also says the Krug book above has a chapter on web writing alone worth the price
Mike McGrath-HTML in Easy Steps-just one of many intro books
Martin Harwood-Landing Page Optimization for Dummies
Tim Ash-Landing Page Optimization He talks about those 3 seconds, and also if you never heard of Scientific Advertising and AIDA, he mentions it
Dan Furman-Do the Web Write- write persuasively on the web
J.Jonathan Gabay-Teach Yourself Copywriting- beats paying a copywriter as much as a lawyer-if you can do it
There are a bunch more too that apply. If you go to a used book store they are much cheaper but also at least one edition out of date, so use your judgment about what you need and what you're ready for. There are dummy books about wordpress, dreamweaver, code, and seo, and PPC and SEO, and basically lots of stuff, but you can't learn it all in one week.