(katana) Worlds biggest Douche http://ytmarket.org/

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Junior Member
Aug 20, 2009
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Thinking about selling your youtube account? DON'T. I was offered 1000$ for an account with 8k subscribers, and they promised they would pay with paypal, It was hard to believe, so I put in risk my back up account that only had 1k subs, i gave the seller the password to that account as collateral so he or she would know I would give them the password to my main account, so before I gave him or she the password, they said that they would send the money right away after I gave them the password, and what do you know? the password gets changed, and the seller starts asking me questions they should of asked from the straight damn start, like " are the accounts dead?" , " how many strikes have you had?" so then i go to my paypal to see if there was anything in there, and sadly I had a good damn feeling i was going to get scammed, pretty soon 12 hours, i still see no money, but I just loved how they were quick in changing the password , and not so quick in paying up, so then in the end, I made a video from my main account telling all my subscribers to unsub from that account, and the scammer got away with nothing, I'm still not so happy because getting those 1k subscribers wasnt overnight and took some time, anyway, the name of the douche is "KATANA" AND have a site called http://ytmarket.org/ , don't believe a word of their shit, and heres their email so you wont ever do business with it. [email protected].
Im starting to see that site everywhere knew it was a scam, couldnt you of just reset your password with your email address linked to it?
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