Kanye West Is Dead


Registered Member
Mar 18, 2009
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well that trending topic on twitter got me searching, and no, apparently he's not however, that didn't stop this guy capitalising on this:

LOL - I found the link when commenting myself on the #1 news link (rank #1 in Google at the time) just now.

Quick moves!
I don't believe it's true, spend like 1 minuite setting up a blogspot blog about it, with adsence, can't think of how else to earn from this one, but there is a load of traffic, been #1 on google trends for hours.
I heard that someone said he liked fish dicks?

Sticks! Fish sticks! There's nothing gay about liking fish sticks! Leave Kanye West alone!

P.S. That website will really bite him in the ass once he's really dead :)
Did I hear wrong or does he like putting fish dicks in his mouth? :)
I don't think he's dead, but he did publish a short movie where he's drunk and stabs himself, but he quickly removed the video.

People can capitalize on this by downloading the movie and putting it online on your website or something.

Google: We Were Once A Fairytale
hey bros. i was about to go to bed (after finishing up client work) when the idea came to me. gimme some love?

