[JV] I Rank Videos on 1st Page of YT and Big G, You Create Them!


Elite Member
Aug 16, 2012
Reaction score
Hi fellow Black Hatters.

Reason For JV

I have been thinking about conducting A JV such as this one for a few days now and decided to take action. I've learned and tested video SEO and I need someone to create quality compelling videos so that we can get better conversion rates for the videos. As I am not that good with graphic design and video creation. All that I do right now for my videos is create slideshows or steal other peoples videos and edit them in windows movie maker to make it my own. Unfortunately conversion rates aren't very good. That can be partly due to the niche i'm in and the low quality of the video. Mostly because of the low quality videos I create. So that is why I am here offering this JV.

Details on JV

I am Seeking 1-3 People depending on the agreement we come to. ie how many videos etc..

I'm thinking that we can split the proceeds that the video(s) will generate 50/50. I need someone that is serious and that knows how to create quality videos. If you already have your niche and keyword in mind that is GREAT, we can start ASAP. If not I guess it's okay and we can just exchange some ideas so that we can attack it from the right angle. BUT if I do get someone who already has a niche and KW in mind then of course they will have more priority over those who do not.

The video(s) will have to be in an account only I will have access to, just In case there is any funny business. I will create title and description for seo purposes and will do the rest of the optimization accordingly so that the video ranks on the first page of YT and big G for its keyword. I will not be sharing my method for ranking the videos unless we become good friends and move on to bigger things. That will come with time though of course.

Competition we're Looking For:

We're looking for at or less than 4,000 results for the keyword that comes up after a search on YT. That is the most competition I have gone up against currently. And I have had success in ranking the video on the first page.

I figured that two heads are better than one and what better place to find that other head than BHW? As I said before I would preferably want someone that has experience in video creation and can create compelling videos so that I can rank those babies conveniently and we can split the proceeding from the sales generated 50/50 accordingly.

Post here In the thread and I will PM you my Skype and we will go from there...
Thank you I know SEO! :)

Already have 2 people on board. Will be speaking to the third that has contacted me to see if he's fit for this JV.
You will not going to get anyone! Dont get panic :) ---- > Can't read your posts, Change the font name & don't use bold for small size like 2 & 3.

Looking forward to the changes :) So that everyone can read it!

I'm interested, but what kind of video's you need? Reviews, flash etc. And what are you planning to promote? CPA, Clickbank, PPD?
WTF FONT! Howly shit I Read only one word. Change font maybe their will be some more reactions ;)
hmmm, I might be interested in this :) add me as friend we might be partners in future
Lol crap.. I will change the font in a couple hours guys.
It just took few mins (2 - 3 mins) to change font size, if am right!

Good LUCK! You were missing few here :)


Lol crap.. I will change the font in a couple hours guys.
I could not edit main post... but here it is in a more easy to read font. Its not that hard to read the main one but here you go:
Reason For JV

I have been thinking about conducting A JV such as this one for a few days now and decided to take action. I've learned and tested video SEO and I need someone to create quality compelling videos so that we can get better conversion rates for the videos. As I am not that good with graphic design and video creation. All that I do right now for my videos is create slideshows or steal other peoples videos and edit them in windows movie maker to make it my own. Unfortunately conversion rates aren't very good. That can be partly due to the niche i'm in and the low quality of the video. Mostly because of the low quality videos I create. So that is why I am here offering this JV.

Details on JV

I am Seeking 1-3 People depending on the agreement we come to. ie how many videos etc..

I'm thinking that we can split the proceeds that the video(s) will generate 50/50. I need someone that is serious and that knows how to create quality videos. If you already have your niche and keyword in mind that is GREAT, we can start ASAP. If not I guess it's okay and we can just exchange some ideas so that we can attack it from the right angle. BUT if I do get someone who already has a niche and KW in mind then of course they will have more priority over those who do not.

The video(s) will have to be in an account only I will have access to, just In case there is any funny business. I will create title and description for seo purposes and will do the rest of the optimization accordingly so that the video ranks on the first page of YT and big G for its keyword. I will not be sharing my method for ranking the videos unless we become good friends and move on to bigger things. That will come with time though of course.

Competition we're Looking For:

We're looking for at or less than 4,000 results for the keyword that comes up after a search on YT. That is the most competition I have gone up against currently. And I have had success in ranking the video on the first page.

I figured that two heads are better than one and what better place to find that other head than BHW? As I said before I would preferably want someone that has experience in video creation and can create compelling videos so that I can rank those babies conveniently and we can split the proceeding from the sales generated 50/50 accordingly.

Post here In the thread and I will PM you my Skype and we will go from there...

P.S. I need people that already have a niche or more and KWs in mind already with the KW research done and low competition for that KW for now ie (AT OR LESS THAN 1K KWs FOR THE SEARCH RESULTS ON YT THAT COME UP AFTER A SEARCH). As it requires more time and investment on my part if it's more than that. IF THERE ARE NO VIDS ON FIRST PAGE OF GOOGLE FOR THE KW THAT IS A ++++ . Get in touch with me show me what you have. I already have a few people on board so for now I need to sort things out with them and see if we go on with this joint venture. I would love to have you guys interested in my JV as partners in the future though so contact me/ send me your skype/ add me as a friend here on BHW, and we will talk business once I am in the position to expand this movement.


I would love to do this, however right now due to my niche I have to pause on creating videos. By the time I am able to produce videos this jv may be already gone :(.
Thank you very much BigBuddy.

edited the OP font..

That is no problem we can surely keep in touch and do business in the future :)

I would love to do this, however right now due to my niche I have to pause on creating videos. By the time I am able to produce videos this jv may be already gone :(.
well written.

let me know if there are spots still available
*****JV IS NOW CLOSED*****

I have received A few partners and the JV is closed for now.

Please no more newbies contacting me with bs. Strictly business here.

I do welcome other reputable members to contact me for a future JV/ Partnership.

Wish I could JV with everyone but I have not enough time, nor capital as of now.

Thank you
