Just Wondering if People are Still Making Money with CPA


Oct 12, 2016
Reaction score
I was wondering if people are still making money with cpa and with what network are you making it with?
I have read a lot about people getting scammed for there signups. What do you guys think?
People still make money from CPA, I have a good friend that does it and actually makes good money, and there are people that actually make huge amounts of money on the networks that I'm using.
I have sent you some links privately, both ref and non-ref versions, but there is a forum here with other networks that yyou can test.
Of course yes, I'm currently with Laser Media for some mobile content CPA offers and have good earns.
Yes people (me as well) are still making money with CPA offers.
Find what converts for you, make some profit, move directly to the advertiser and cut out the middle man.
The conversion are keep getting worse every month so like usual but you can survive if you keep giving them more traffic
Its all about the country and how good your landing page is. Try your best to get targeted country niche, example USA converts like candy for me even if my landing page was very low quality, but they came from google, so its higher quality traffic too.
The answer to that is YES, people are still making a killing with cpa offers, you just have to find the proper network and offer, good luck
I haven't had much luck with them but probably doing it wrong. I'm sticking with adsense and trying out some CPM's with nativeads
It depends on the niche, the gambling niche is generating high CPA these days and cant say I have seen a bad day since 2012.