Just now getting into Wholesale, please point me in the right direction guys

Dec 21, 2008
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Hey guys, long time lurker finally looking to get into the buying from wholesale business. I have a pretty strong standing eBay account and would love to start selling retail on there. But, I'm up to sell anywhere. Just wondering if some pros in the field can point a rook into the right direction. Any tips would be truly appreciated. Thanks so much guys.
My family runs a wholesale business. The first thing that you should do, is search for someone that sells good quality stuff that is rarely seen. Something that's able to catch the eye of the consumer. Then... You should be careful with providers. There are many people that sell good quality stuff, but there are also many people that sell stuff that it seems to have good quality but it isn't in reality. I would suggest you to start buying a limited amount of stuff from many providers. Then sell & see the response of the people. If you see that a certain provider sells bad quality stuff you should never work with that guy again.


I heared DHgate is not the best these days.... Doba is trustfull but expensive as you have to pay for the service :( However, Doba does have quality