Just got accepted in to Max Bounty Affliate

zero cool

Nov 11, 2008
Reaction score
Hey Guys,

I just got accepted in to Max Bounty Affiliate company. I am looking to advertise Car affiliates. How do you guys advertise your CPA affiliate companies? Just looking for some general ideas.
dunno but amy has a sexy voice doesnt she lol
Lol your right about Amys voice. Cheers mate for posting that link for me.
Good Luck, MB probabaly the easiest network to get banned from.
The get a wild hair up thier ass and ban you, even if your not doing BH stuff.
I hade an account here with Jessica but got banned for some reason! Now applyed for another one! Jazz it`s right they ban you in a nutsell for minor things!
Made $2,400 in a 24 hour period with email submits got banned the next day (was curious how much I could make, knew I was gonna get banned) :)
Does they call participants? Its bullshit to answering the phone call of aff manager.
i had my account "put on hold" while one of the advertisers checked the quality of my leads. It was right before I was supposed to get paid. However, I did get a call 4 days later from my AM saying that everything was good to go and that I would get paid this Monday for the payment I should have gotten last monday. Lets see if I get paid this time.