Just got 600€ for a Homepage Textlink


Elite Member
Mar 12, 2013
Reaction score
Few days ago, I got the usual "arkward" message of some link buyer.
Thaught it would be the usual "can we get some free stuff" crap...

Well, the site is niche-related, has some nice links. but makes like 5$ for me.. Still let ist sit around.

So, I asked for their offer. They turned back with 50€/month and paid
600 € UP FRONT today!

> Time to Re-invest that into some quality expireds now (and build up some other site)
You got lucky today! And its good that you are thinking to re-invest. Hope everything goes well.
You got lucky today! And its good that you are thinking to re-invest. Hope everything goes well.

the asked me for 2 sites today.. had to decline the 2nd offer though. 20/month for a RD500 health site is way to low :/.

however.. if some company in de. pay 50 a month for a frontpage textlink, there SURE is some wicked market.

talked to some other .de SEO (not the usual seoblogging shithead) and we agreed that IM is like crowded pup with everyone sticking their elbows out..

I'd say its max 2 years away from "international competition". it's getting really ugly and nasty for affiliate sites and stuff.

hence, you'd make more money SELLING sH1t now like links and blogposts and such.
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What's the RD for the 1st site mate? $600 is pretty sweet
What's the RD for the 1st site mate? $600 is pretty sweet

something like rd200 (50% nofollow low obl ;) . so much for shiny majestic and moz values. )

seems to be enough to get the "moron seo" flocking to them.

it's unbelievable.. they pay 100s of € a month for links. but are to cheap to invest into ahrefs. and just crap like regional linkcheckers.

the 600€/year site was kind of "pet project" I usually run cheap linkbuilding ideas on ;)
Good going @darulez

You can probably scale this up and make good cash selling links.
Good going @darulez

You can probably scale this up and make good cash selling links.

yeah. just have to convice them that TF is bullshit for judging .de links, cause they dont know shit about judging anything.
hence, they should rather use ahrefs cause iits more "noob-friendly" af first glance.

however, I rather work with noob-seos, they at least challenge me a bit.

if its TF30+ they wont, they get it in 12 weeks once majestics does their quarterly "update"...

usual clients annoy me. dont know how they find me somtimes, but usual I can scare them away with my prices. luckily.

those tyrekickers make me cranky as fuck .


Nice one dude
Holy F you got lucky man :p

Some good wine should compliment that.
stopped drinking 2 years ago.

however, I'd wish every site would get so lucky.. sadly, it aint.
Lol that's the game. Best of luck for the rest of your projects! and yeahh.. havin a good peg of scotch whiskey.. so.. cheers :D
Good one! How did they discover your website and contacted you?
Good one! How did they discover your website and contacted you?

I am sure they were looking for niche related blogs / Sites. the site ranks for some lowlowcomp (some dudes here would call it medium..) on #15. but has a really cool fancy domainname. so its easy to connect the dots here..

oh, and I as usual, I pop some HQ video on ever article (HQ in darulez world)
Wait.. that was you? I changed my mind, I'll send you a PM shortly, please refund me my money.
Nice! I didn't know people made so much from these, I wonder how much the persons budget is to go around offering 600 up front.
How many home page text links can you have at one time ?
And how many words are on the homepage ?
Do people sometimes want exclusive rights to be the only link?