just bought proxies off FIVERR. error 407?


Power Member
Mar 28, 2011
Reaction score
i just bought 5 proxies off fiverr and they were just delivered to me. after i test them out on SB, i get : error 407 proxie authentication required. Is this a problem on the selllers end or is there another step i should take?

i never bought proxies before so this is my first time and i am a bit confused.
I've never bought proxies from fiver before. I didn't even know you could, why not use a more reliable source that provide support??
i messaged the seller. see what happens.

the seller has great reviews so i thought i go with that. if things go south then i only lost 5 bux.
Wait for seller to contact else just cancel the order.

BTW,proxies from fiverr suck