Just a quick site layout opinion needed


Junior Member
Sep 18, 2008
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Hi Guys.

A friend of mine owns this company:
I think their site looks like crap and want to fix it for them. A person I know who works their thinks the site looks fine.

Can you guys look, flip around a few pages like the contact and graphics links and tell me if it looks OK on YOUR browsers? particularly the fill in form below

I have my settings adjusted bigger for my laptop so I'm thinking maybe it's just my computer that sees stuff scrunched and over layed. If not, i am going to fix it and email it to them to re-upload cause It irritating the heck out of me!

No hurry, just if ya could when you are taking a breather from thinking too much. :)

Would be much appreciated.

Thank you!

Just my opinion but it needs a little work, especially in regards to the background, it's just way to distracting and takes away from the content.
The site looks ok, The contact page and form look good here. I would recommend lighting up the fire bg though, it takes away from the content, I was to busy looking at the flames rather than reading.

Not a bad looking site though, Pretty standard, Could ad some "updated" look, make it a little more, whats the word, new age I guess is what I could say.

Damn you fun, You be me to the post button....LOL.... but yea, if we both notice it right away, theres one thing.
The site looks ok, The contact page and form look good here. I would recommend lighting up the fire bg though, it takes away from the content, I was to busy looking at the flames rather than reading.

Not a bad looking site though, Pretty standard, Could ad some "updated" look, make it a little more, whats the word, new age I guess is what I could say.

We were thinking the same thing, I was just a little quicker on the trigger:AR15firin
hahah me too!

Thanks for the feedback guys. so, just to be sure, you aren't seeing words over lay each other and the fill in form on the graphics page looks ok and not scrunched?

Damn, i used both my browsers and it looks terrible. I agree with the background too. maybe i can get it watermarked instead. think that will look better?


The form looked good on my end, I would just photoshop it and lower the occupancy. With a BG the same color.
This is how it looks on my end and why I asked. Glad I have you helpful people to keep me from looking like an idiot!


a lot of things suck about this site. one is the .net tld. that site looks like it was made in 1998. tell them to go for a web 2.0 look that is dead simple to use. give people only a couple options when they land. that's just a start...
You might also want him/her to take a look at wordpress. There are a lot of really good looking themes out there.
It looks awful; in fact I think that background image damaged my cornea or something. I had no issues with overlapping in the form in either Firefox or Chrome (winxp), although it can be laid out a bit more coherently to ease the input process for the user so that they might actually complete the form and send it in.

There's nothing wrong with a site looking awful, although as the site owners are selling design services, they might want to demonstrate decent design principles on their own site. And the fact that it looks dated, it might appear to be derelict and abandoned altogether to some users; it did to me.

If you want to make a convincing case for a redesign, do a competitive analysis. Document what their more successful competitors are doing right and how they can use that information to make their own site less painful to view.

Good luck with it.
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I agree about the background. It actually made me want to leave the site. It distracts the reader from the content.

The form looked fine for me with Firefox. Nothing was over layed.

Why don't you try to convince them to run a split test? I am sure they have web stats with the current background, so have them change it to plain white and see if they get more conversions. Maybe for a week or month.
I think that design sites themselves should be very simple and clean. This way, the consumer has no pre-conceived thoughts about how "extreme" the company can be one way or another. They should let their portfolio show the different styles they can design.

I know I kinda repeating what is being said above but this site looks like a high school project from 15 years ago...all that it is missing is a few blink tags! Rollover nav, textrured background images and a template that you get from those "5 million templates for $5" sites....painful :( Good luck.
i dont like the backround.
you need to do a lot of work.
check out the photos for various problems spoted


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Thank you all SO much for your time and imput, I really appreciate it!
Isatrapol - thank you for the screen shots, Veyr helpful!
Lagios, Thank you for yours too, See, I see the site like you do, not like Isatrapol does. I don't understand WHY though!

It IS kinda irritating to look at isn't it.

OK, AT least I know I'm the weird one and it's just BAD, but not jacked up.

Does anyone know what would make the pages look so different to me and Lagios? and not to others? I have re-adjusted ALL my browser settings and used 3 browsers now ( flock, FF and Exp) and still they look weird in all of them.

Thank you again, you guys rock! :D
I would probably get rid of the mouse over effect as well.
It IS kinda irritating to look at isn't it.

I'm still resting my eyes. I'll be wearing an eyepatch for the next few weeks, under doctor's orders.

Does anyone know what would make the pages look so different to me and Lagios? and not to others? I have re-adjusted ALL my browser settings and used 3 browsers now ( flock, FF and Exp) and still they look weird in all of them.
There are simple techniques to force the spacing and table widths, etc. such as the insertion of invisible gifs to force the spacing to be consistent across browsers. It's a crude solution, but certain browsers don't respect table column and cell spacing. There may be more elegant ways around this, but that's my crude solution to get my spacing and layout to remain consistent across various browsers and system configurations.

Quite frankly, it will be much easier and quicker to start from scratch ... build the site without all of the legacy issues that you're observing now.

Best of luck with it,