Jr vip?


May 11, 2012
Reaction score
I paid for donater, I was aware you get JR VIP once you pass 100 posts, is this true?
Jr. VIP and Donor are different. Read in the full under the "Donate" tab in the top menu.

Donations to BlackHatWorld will be used to support the forums costs such as hosting, software updates and adding new features to the forum. As a reward for your donation you'll receive a LARGER PM box (Over 500 PM Capacity), the ability to use links in your signature (for advertising), and a Donor icon next to your username (The Ultimate Status Symbol!) More benefits coming soon...
Please note that this payment is NOT for Jr. VIP status. It may take up to 7 days for your payment to be processed!
Since apparently its too hard for SOME people to go read the donate tab in it's entirety and comprehend it here you go:

If you have been a member of the forum for at least 60 days, and have made at least 100 posts
, your $97 donation will promote you to a Jr. VIP membership, which allows you to access the hidden Jr. VIP forums.


Donations to BlackHatWorld will be used to support the forums costs such as hosting, software updates and adding new features to the forum. As a reward for your donation you'll receive a LARGER PM box (Over 500 PM Capacity), the ability to use links in your signature (for advertising), and a Donor icon next to your username (The Ultimate Status Symbol!) More benefits coming soon...
Please note that this payment is NOT for Jr. VIP status. It may take up to 7 days for your payment to be processed!