[Journey] Watch me go from $3.50 to $1K per month | Dropshipping and Ecommerce


Junior Member
Jun 15, 2020
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A pretty ambitious and silly goal, but f**k it - I am going to go for it.

I am going to see if I can build a consistent dropshipping store that brings me $1K per month in profit.

I have tried dropshipping before with various levels of success and failure.

The difference this time?

No difference, I am trying again with new lessons learnt each time.

My niche is relatively broad, in fashion and accessories. It can change over time if it doesn’t work.

Status update below:

Continuing product research. Have built a product list of 170+ items. Why the ridiculously large product list?

Testing a lot and testing fast is my goal.

I suspect I will continue to do product research for another 2 weeks. I feel like a massive breakthrough for me would be to find chinese specific sites to do product research. I have managed to find certain niches, but have not had any.

Also here's a midjourney pic I played with:

Anyways, moving on:

In the interim, I am awaiting for Google Merchant Center unsuspension. I hired an agency to help me resolve this issue. They found a really simple issue on my GMC, which I should’ve found by myself - think mispellings etc. So this was embarrassing.

Weekly Summary
$3.50 (found a few coins in my car)

Anyways on to next week!
$3.50 ain’t you gonna be using Shopify store for your website anyways good luck on your journey
31 Mar 23 Update

Still working through my product list. GMC is not looking good so looks like I will only be advertising on Meta.

I am also growing my journal / newsletter to share my progress updates. Currently have about 13 subscribers. This will hopefully be a long term play where I can build a strong ecommerce community. I wanted to share it here but I think breaches blackhat policy. Maybe I'll advertise it later down the track, when I feel my journal is valuable.
Good luck with your journey bro. How are you going to pay for shopify domain.... ? And also how you plan getting traffic without running any ads
Good luck with your journey bro. How are you going to pay for shopify domain.... ? And also how you plan getting traffic without running any ads
Thanks bro. I think I paid for it using card on Shopify Domain. And I will be running ads.
Hi All,

An update. Product research is progressing. My product list is growing. I managed to find several good chinese suppliers that have unique products and some that have really great photos.

I have started working on my shopify store. I will be using Prestige theme and just following the format of large fashion brands - think Uniqlo, Adidas etc. I am just keeping it simple at this stage and not too flashy.

Coming up with a brand name is hard, especially for ".com" url.
Coming up with a brand name is hard, especially for ".com" url.
But this is very important. Do not be like everyone else. Come up with something original)
Good luck, bro. The main thing is don’t give up!
Update: GMC is unsuspended. Now waiting to see how long it will last for. Pretty sceptical