Journey to getting paid - Amazon, R&R, Facebook, Gearbubble etc.


Junior Member
Jun 3, 2016
Reaction score
All of my IM efforts currently amount to a mere $65 a month from amazon. Yeah. My goal is to earn $21,000 a year online. So i'm currently at $780 / $21,000, aka 4% of the way there.

96% to go.

My immediate goal is to be on $7000 a year by the 21st December.


- I have a new amazon site that's now fluctuating between page 1 and 2 and has started getting traffic. No sales yet.
- I have 2 local rental sites rising up in the ranks. Planning to rent out the pages for a monthly rate when they hit page 1 and start getting traffic.

While I continue ranking these i'm going back to facebook groups for another shot.

I've already experimented with this method a bit and already failed a few times too, so i've got the basics down. Back on this hype. There's obviously insane potential here as threads like Inception_AC's and basstrackerboats show. You just need that one idea to start working and BOOM you can scale that shit up to ridiculous levels.
FB monetization methods attempted so far:
- 2 different CPA email submit niches
- Amazon product
- Shopify dropshipping

Next FB monetization method attempting:
- Gearbubble merchandise
I'll update once a week even if I made little progress.

Official thread soundtrack:
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- Built out the (hopefully) last PBN for my first R&R site
- Finished the second R&R site and built the first PBN to it

The first site's ranking on page 2, nearly there. The second one fell off the fuckin grid for some reason but hopefully it'll be back soon without problems.

I've targetted niches where the service costs customers above $1000 and the CPC of the ads is high. This means they could easilly pay me upwards of $500 every month for their details on my site and profit, as long as it generates them 1 or more customers. Hoping this pays off.

- Thought of a design, created and advertised a gearbubble cofee mug

I'm targetting females as I think they're more likely to impulse buy. Also i'm choosing niches that people are either passionate about or identified with, then trying to create something funny / sentimental.

I'm using ads atm instead of groups to get an idea of whether the product sells or not much faster. If / when one does i'll incorporate groups into the mix unless the ads are decently profitable. I tried google ads, bing ads, and facebook.

The bing ads have shitty levels of traffic for the niche and the google ads have WAY too high CPC. The facebook ads have a ridiculous CPC too but better. After a few days of testing there's been no sales, so now i'm moving on to another niche and design.
How many articles do you have on your site? How many keywords are you targeting? How many PBN links have you built?

The journey sounds great but it would be great o have more details. :)

Wish you best of luck!
Hi - looking forward to your journey. I am curious how you chose GearBubble? I hadn't heard of it before you posted but I am wondering if you researched the various options and decided on GB? Or are you a customer of them and like them? I have been doing research and would love to know. Thanks!
How many articles do you have on your site? How many keywords are you targeting? How many PBN links have you built?

The journey sounds great but it would be great o have more details. :)

Wish you best of luck!

The first has 3 articles + homepage + contact page + privacy page. The articles have similar KWs but different cities. Second is the same with two articles, i've been having some strange crawl issues with it for some reason.

So far the first is on 3 PBN links with URLs as the anchors. They shouldn't need a whole lot of links because they're low comp + volume keywords, like 200-300spm + LSI kws. They're targetting like 6 keywords on average per page.

Might need 1 or 2 more links on top of the one I just built though actually, looks like it's settled on the lower end of page 2. Gonna use LSI anchors next time.

I'm planning to rank and sell all 3 of the pages to different businesses I see running ads. All i'll need is around 50+ targetted visitors per page and they should be good enough to sell. Also for a head start I found an expired domain that already had a few decent links and built the site on that. Selling all 3 could land me $1500 / month which would be fucking brilliant.


Hi - looking forward to your journey. I am curious how you chose GearBubble? I hadn't heard of it before you posted but I am wondering if you researched the various options and decided on GB? Or are you a customer of them and like them? I have been doing research and would love to know. Thanks!

Yeah there's not a whole lot of talk about it. I looked at it because of seeing it briefly mentioned in one thread on here and in an alex becker video. The profit margins are good and they've got a wide range of products so I just decided on it. Was either that or viralstyle. Instead of just T shirts and hoodies you can sell coffee mugs, pillow cases, phone cases etc. and there's analytics, conversion tracking/retargetting, a few other things.
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Not much this week. Got a rough coffee mug idea down.

Registered and set up a domain for another PBN. Prepared articles for the next wave. Looked for some expired domains for a while and didn't find much worth grabbing, but found 1 decent one at least.
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Please giys answer me these 2 simple questions:

Can I post amazon affiliate links to facebook groups I own and will I get accepted by amazon associates?

Can I post my affiliate links to a page I own (facebook fan page or business page)?

All the best, thx in advance!