[Journey] My X journey to 3000 followers with at least 1% conversion to my fan page.


Aug 14, 2024
The title basically says it all. Documenting what I'm doing, and maybe collecting links to other threads here where I got help. Links will be at the end of this post. My introduction[3] on BHW is the last link and documents my broader goals.

So, the first question to answer, I suppose, is why those particular targets? And the short answer is that the amount truly doesn't matter, but gives me a clear idea of what I'm doing. It should also be reasonably easy to attain. I'll get to the longer answer in a moment.

The second question is why X? Mostly because I believe (perhaps incorrectly) that interaction is the heart of visibility on social media. I already have a part of a mental idea of how this works on X. For all other platforms I would have to do significant research. I have a chronic illness that limits the amount of work I can do at a given time. So this seems like the shortest path from zero to something. Further I found this wonderful thread[0] by potah with a short and easy to understand method. I don't know of anything similar on other platforms. And since I've already started... It helps that X allows adult content which is what my fans page does.

Lastly, why a fans page? This is where it's a little longer. Someone decided that's what I'm doing, created a whole bunch of content for me, and set everything up for me. This also means that I have the tiniest imaginable niche imaginable since I'm doing relatively unusual lifestyle BDSM content. None of which is actually targeted to a particular audience, it's all just stuff we do. This is also why I have low targets. My niche might be minuscule, and I may be relatively incompetent, but I can find at least 3000 people out of the millions on X who are into the kinds of things I do. And that at least 30 of those individuals would be willing to pay me for it I think.

Besides, the more important thing I want from this isn't a thriving fans page. It's learning the basics of gaining eyes on what I'm doing. And I figure that regardless of what business I want to be in, efficiently making people aware of what I'm doing is the core of getting people to buy from me. So my primary desired outcome is educational.

I already have progress! I started implementing this strategy on the 17th. In the few days between then and now my X follower count has grown by 100%: from one to two. My sales on my fans page has also increased by 100%, from one sale to two. I don't know whether the two events are related since I don't have any link tracking at all.

I need to get the following done:
  • Somehow set up link tracking (need to research this more also)
  • Get better at reliably writing content. I'm very bad at knowing what to write about. It can take me an entire day to come up with 400 words. Clearly, as can be seen from this post, I don't generally have a problem with writing. I have a thread asking about this topic here[1].
  • Keep repeating what I'm doing now until I reach my goal. I have already seen more engagement in the four days since I started than in the prior eight months since this project officially began.

Links to posts:
[0] https://www.blackhatworld.com/seo/how-i-grow-my-twitter-followers-from-86-to-3000-in-2-months.1490281/
[1] https://www.blackhatworld.com/seo/templates-or-ways-to-generate-ideas-for-creating-x-posts.1627678/
[3] https://www.blackhatworld.com/seo/getting-started-in-social-media-marketing.1626534/
Today I used chatGPT to generate some ideas for what to write and it helped quite a lot. It was considerably easier than what I was doing previously. So I have a potential solution for my writing problem. Reading all of the generated results also helps a bit I think. Sort of gives me some idea of how to structure the post and everything.

I should learn more about creating prompts for chatGPT methinks. But I think that just about covers the core of my intended strategy. Reply to other people's posts to ride their visibility, repost content, and create at least one original post a day.

I'm also really enjoying this process. I had a wonderful conversation with another creator.
Today I did baaasic A/B testing. One of my posts had far fewer engagements than I expected. So I deleted it and recreated it with different hashtags and the engagement was much higher. Yay!

Today what was fun is suddenly frustrating. There's a definite limit to the amount of productive work with this method. So everything gets done. Then there's nothing left to do for the rest of the day.

I need to figure out how to do link tracking at some point. I wanted to get a google account so I can use google analytics. But google's bitching about my phone number. So I should maybe see whether there's another service that'll provide link tracking. I might ultimately have to get a bitly account, but I don't quite feel like it yet.

And that's pretty much it. More fun conversations with people. A sharp drop in my growth rate from 100% to 50%. More of the same.
Glad to see you've started a journey thread. Wishing you great success with it! I can't promise I'll be of much help, but please reach out anytime if you need assistance!
Glad to see you've started a journey thread. Wishing you great success with it! I can't promise I'll be of much help, but please reach out anytime if you need assistance!
Thank you I'll let you know! ☺️ At the moment I'm mostly trying to work out how to relatively easily populate my feed with more, relatively decent quality, content. I realised today that while I'm starting to get some people taking notice of me, I have no cohesive notion for my content strategy. So they take notice, and then my profile doesn't have a great deal of content.

Yesterday though I did manage to get more engagements with my one post. It was entirely the wrong type of engagements since I posted a sort of "pick your favourite of two photos" thing, and all the engagements were just checking the photos I think. And I got all of 4% give or take engagement. But it was deliberate which is a large departure from my history so far. I used to kind of post with no real deliberateness of any kind.
You should also try other tools except chagpt and compare results.
I have actually tried Gemini in addition to chatGPT and it provides much better results for me so far. But I think ultimately more than switching to a different system I should learn how to craft prompts. I'm not very good at that right now.
Interesting discovery I made today. I'm pretty certain that one of the creators I watch is using a M/c strategy. I found two, maybe three accounts (so far) that are distinct, but parts of their names are the same. They also almost exclusively repost content from one of the main accounts. Wiiidely interspersed are some posts. But they still use images from the main accounts. Because if you're a Domina nobody questions your adoring slaveboys resposting all your content I suppose. ☺️ Also, reposting things multiple times an hour is quite good performance.

I'm at 5 followers since I started. I'm not sure the followers are my target audience though. They all seem to be other creators. But they are significantly more visible than I am, so I'm not going to complain.

I'm planning on today, or tomorrow asking another creator I know to quote one of my posts so I can see what happens.

It's actually starting to become quite interesting. Just learning which actions has which responses and learning how to optimise all of that. Also a very new experience for me all of these public posts. I never actually used social media before and it's still unpleasant creating posts when in truth I have nothing I actually care to say.

Unfortunately this is pretty much it for me today. I have a lot of other work to do, and this will likely remain the case for the next few days. But hopefully I can fit a bit more than just maintenance in there still.

I also still need to learn how to create a content strategy. At the moment everything is completely ad-hoc and it's a problem.
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Tiny update. I got another content creator with 2k followers to repost two of my posts and the engagement is significantly higher than, basically, all of my prior posts combined. And it's only been 3 hours. So new record for me. ☺️
I'm writing this before getting started on today's rounds. Yesterday's repost had very engaging results. Sufficiently so that I'm somewhat rethinking my strategy. I spent a bit of time yesterday looking up the 2019 post by Jonnn[0] on the Master/slave strategy and I really like it. But more than just liking it I think adding it to my current strategy would actually be relatively simple.

To be clear I have no intention of altering my current strategy. It's working and I like it. Rather the idea is to extend it in the following ways:
  • Add the creative content copying idea Jonn outlined to my current account. This should help alleviate my struggles with generating content.
  • Research a couple of adjacent niches I can enter. I'm thinking 3 to 5 max. Also scrape their content to start creating new content. This should be significantly easier than my current niche where, as far as I can tell, I'm the only creator.
  • Set up a way to run the other accounts. I'm thinking firejail + firefox + protonvpn. It seems like about the simplest way to set up what I want. I just can't find anything about running a VPN inside firejail, and routing all the traffic through that VPN. So I'm not the least bit clear on how I'm going to implement this at all.
  • Once the extra accounts are set up I'm going to follow the same strategy for them as I do my main account. Set up a few lists, comment on other creators' posts, repost their stuff, generally ingratuate myself with them.
To be clear my current strategy isn't lacking at all. To me it's working beautifully. I don't have enough experience to compare it to anything else, but it's doing what I want it to. There's a couple of things I need to improve to get my content strategy more fluid. But other than that I have no complains. However after seeing what an account with only 2k followers can do for my account I think I can do so much better. In short: I'm greedy.

And with that I'm off to do my rounds.

[0] https://www.blackhatworld.com/seo/twitter-growth-in-2019-mother-child.1166774/
This post is just collecting the information from the other two posts in one place for easier reference.

Tons of content:
Create an account in some niche with a good bio
Scroll through other pages in the same niche and copy their content
Change the copied content slightly and build up a few months worth of posts
If someone comments just like their comment (I think?)
Follow/unfollow (look into how this is supposed to work)

Interacting with others
Spend some time creating a post thread. Pick your most popular thread to create the next thread
Create a list of 50 or so accounts with 1-5k followers
Reply to every post you can with a Compliment + Insight + Joke template

Master/slave process
Set up Firefox and Proton in a container/VM (working on this part right now)
Create 3-5 accounts in adjacent niches
Use the prior two strategies to build up those accounts
Once those accounts have some followers, (maybe 500-1k?) repost some of the main account's content.

Creating content is still my weakest point. With replying to others' posts coming in as a close second. I've played with ChatGPT and Gemini a little to try and help. But I'm struggling with creating useful prompts. I seem to need some idea as a starting point. Gemini is also somewhat annoying in that I always have to reassure it that I really do in fact want safe and friendly content.

I should look into twemex and hypefury sometime since I'm curious.
I don't know what to do with this update at all. I can't decide whether a lot happened or nothing at all. I've spent basically every moment since my last post upping my content creation game. And I've got a basic system that I like, I'm loosely following this a post [0] about some guy Justin Welsh or somesuch. And it's given me a framework for producing the content I want. Except I'm not quite succeeding in working out how to apply it to my case.

So the idea is simple. Write an article (create a video, get photos, whatever). Use that article as the base content to create a bunch of X threads from. Profit. Simple, efficient, beautiful.

Except I'm trying to apply at least rudimentary copywriting to these threads. Or at least, I'm trying to use basic copywriting structure to make it easier to write these posts. Both because it seems like a good idea, and because I dislike the idea of straight up copying the contents of the article and dumping it into a thread.

So I have all the primary content for this week done. And I have one thread for today done, but not the other two I need. That one thread I feel reasonably good about. And it wasn't super difficult to write since I just ripped the basic content from the article it's based on. So the principle works. I just need to get this working.

So what I'm trying to find/create is 1-3 hook tweet templates, and 1-3 body/CTA templates. This way I can ease my work a little while I'm learning all of this. Unfortunately all the templates I find are for product businesses. I don't have a product business, I'm pretty much an entertainer. At best I sell relatability, warm fuzzy emotions. So I'm not the least bit sure how to apply any of the advice I've found so far.

Very frustrating few days.

[0] https://www.scottstockdale.co.uk/blog/how-justin-welsh-has-made-128-million-from-online-courses
I just had my most surprising post to date. The views aren't super surprising, 30 in the first hour. Very usual performance for my posts. Slightly better than average. However those thirty views resulted in one profile view and one link click. and that's very very unusual for me. So apparently I did something right.

I've had more people inform me that X is completely impossible to use for anything at all. I guess all the accounts with 1k and up followers personally sucked Musk's cock? Kind of odd.

I've been thinking a lot about how I want to approach this journey though. I'm still very keen on those template, but mostly to make it easier for me to come up with something to write. I find the structure helps me quite a lot.

But a catchy hook tweet isn't really what I think will get me where I want to go. Attention grabbing isn't really about attention at all. It's about something in the person who sees the post thinking "this is relevant to/associated with me". And I've been thinking about this a lot. Have a look at the following two examples:

black women between the ages 20 and 25, this investment opportunity is specifically for you.
white men between the ages 50 and 60, this investment opportunity is specifically for you.

It's not super catchy, and the wording is virtually identical. But I'm willing to bet money that there will be very few white men between the ages 50 and 60 who'll click the first link, and vice versa. I'm also willing to bet money that while it's not the least bit catchy a fair number of people in the target demographics will click the link.

Unlike what so many people are repeating, I don't believe I'm competing for attention with millions of other people. The moment the person has scrolled past the prior post it's forgotten. and therefore doesn't count as competition. The only thing I'm trying to accomplish is cross the person's attention threshold. There's no competition. There's only the attention threshold.

And more interesting, I don't have to somehow find an audience. As the prior examples demonstrate, I could define an audience instead. Who do I want to attract? Once I have chosen whom I want to attract all I need to do is somehow associate what I'm doing with them. Naturally attracting people who are already interested will be easier. But still.

Aaand all of that reading and research and thinking hasn't brought me closer to being able to repeatably write content for X. And all of it is telling me that I need to be more specific, somehow, in my writing. I'm not writing into a void, I'm writing to create an effect in my reader.

I wonder whether I could get responses for my writing on BHW. Like start a thread where I post just bits of writing and people tell me what effect that has on them...
Minor update. I just got my first organic repost. That surprising post somehow generated a repost. Granted the account that did so seems to repost just about everything they come across. But still. Huge improvement over my previous post performance.
It sounds like you're making steady progress on your journey! Your observations about content creation and targeting specific audiences are spot-on. It’s great that you’re focusing on learning, testing, and improving your strategy, especially by analyzing engagement and experimenting with different content styles and hashtags. Your reflections on attention thresholds and associating your message with your target audience show a deep understanding of social media dynamics.

For writing templates, maybe try focusing more on creating emotionally resonant messages or hooks that directly address the desires, pain points, or curiosities of your specific audience. This could give you more control over grabbing attention without having to rely entirely on catchiness.

Also, your idea about seeking feedback from others on your writing through BHW or another platform is a solid one—having a community to critique and suggest improvements can accelerate your growth. Keep up the momentum and stay consistent, as you're building a solid foundation!
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