[JOURNEY] Master Youtube Shorts Adult 1k Day/Challange

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Jul 5, 2022
Reaction score
Hi guys.. this is going to be a long journey!
My goal is to build an automated system to really take advantage of platforms like Youtube Short/Tiktok
Right now I will focus only on Youtube

Past experiences :
I made over 250k with adult marketing but I never really scaled or managed it like a proper business to really make solid $ per day consistently
I only made good $ where I really needed it...

I think that general spam is slowly dying, if you think about Instagram, Twitter, Tinder, etc. you will understand that each profile gives a limited amount of exposure and you can't do a lot about it. Sooner or later platforms are adopting AI, selfie verifications, and complex anti-bot systems
To make a decent amount of $ you need to be able to have custom tools, good connections, decent providers, a good back-end monetization system, run hundreds of accounts and really deal with bans and all sorts of verifications

I think that everyone will slowly move to run a more legit small amount of accounts on socials that give you exposure based on an algorithm ( Reels, Tiktok, Yt Shorts )
These ones give you almost 0 expenses and the potential of getting a lot of traffic per account is really high
This is why I've decided to only go with this approach instead of the old way of running a thousand accounts to make some $

My goal is to reach at least 1k $ day, I will try go step by step from 5,10,50,100,200,500,1000 and describe my problems/solutions/tools/methods during the journey

I can easily automate most processes in a short amount of time
In this project, I will not be interested in running 100 threads full of spam accounts
I will rather work on quality, automating and slowly scaling while keeping quality

My plan is to generate unique videos and send my traffic to Snapchat and later on monetize using Dating/Cam offers

[ How to spy on competitors ]

Open incognito tab
Search for " #shorts #giveaway" or something similar like #shorts #roblox/vbucks/girl/iphone etc ( there are infinite keywords )
Filter by most recent upload
Enjoy free methods haha $ !!!

[ Problems ]

1) Which accounts to pick
2) Possible ghosting without warmup
3) How to generate Unique videos
4) Daily Limits / Upload video
5) Scaling

[ Solutions ]

1 ) Tonight I've just tried a few combinations to get an idea of which account to use

What I've tested

- Old 2019 Youtube PVA account,
- Create a brand new Gmail account on 4g + Incogniton unique fingerprint browser ( free )
- Use my own account

My general process is to create/login on an account, warmup watching Shorts for 20 minutes with random delays, random like/follow probability and just act like a normal user instead of straight posting
Results I got in a few hours after the initial quick test :
The Old 2019 account and new 4g account both had a 10 limit/short upload which is fine for me
On my own account I didn't have any limit and straight uploaded 100 videos aggressively

It takes around 10-15min for me to create any bot ( uploader, warmup, generate videos, etc. )
I've downloaded a video few videos from TikTok and changed these things to kinda make the video unique (using Camtasia right now):
- x,y,z to -3 / +3
- remove background music
- Slow/Speed up video by -5 / +5 %
- Add a filter with random color on 8-10 % level
- Add copyright music

I've spied a bit on competitors and I've seen that people repost the same video around 20 times before changing to another one so I tried this approach at first ( not a big fan, but I really will go for unique videos in the future but right now I'm just testing )

Oldpva account 3/10 video got few views 2-3, rest still no views (I'm checking 2 hours after posting so views might change tomorrow)
The New 4g account performed pretty well,6/10 videos got 2-3 views ( better than nothing haha )
On my own account, I got a few videos reaching 5-6 views while most had no views but I was able to upload 100 videos
This makes me think that youtube really takes a look at all the actions you did in general. I use this account for many months and I continuously use it to listen to music in the background etc. so it must be farmed somehow. I'm happy that I've probably already understood how to get such channels with 100+ daily limit uploads.

Now let's talk about other possible solutions

2 ) I will farm around 5-10 accounts and will cycle them and keep running them for many hours multiple days 3-4, I automate everything with a professional paid macro
My plan is to create around 10 profiles on Incogniton, each with his own unique fingerprint and unique 4g IP from my mobile hotspot, and farm them for 3-4 days
Farming will consist in :
- Random Delay Watch video ( 3 - 15 seconds )
- 5 % probability of like after watching a video
- 30 % probability of following after like
- 10 % probability of open comment section
- random scroll, wait for delays on the comment section

Once it does this for 30 minutes it rotates 4g IP, and moves to the next accounts, this process might be needed to avoid 0 views videos

3 ) This might also be a possible reason for low views/ghosting, there are few ways to figure out this
The first one involves building a tool to automatically do those previous edits I've talked about using python FFmpeg module ( not really difficult )
The second one is getting a database of let's say 500+ photos of the same girl (own model) and randomly creating slide videos from images

I think at first I will opt for the second one, basically, each video will be completely unique combination and will cycle between 50+ no copyright sounds
This is easily doable using FFmpeg and spintax

4 ) I will probably use brand new accounts warmed up, I think the limit should slowly increase day by day while I automatically upload my videos
The alternative is buying other people's accounts and warming up them in the same way, which should give much higher limits

5 ) As long as everything is managed good, accounts get views, and have no big problems I will easily automate uploading 100 videos per account, at first on 10 channels, then will start to see if I can do more
I'm not a big fan of running a large number of accounts with a very low-quality setup, I think that with a good system and good quality 10 accounts with great video, cta, and monetization system you can already archive really great results
At first, I will try to get around 1000 ads per day. My goal is to consistently get 10k-20k adds per day
The easiest way to promote is to use a strong CTA on video and add snap username / snapcode somewhere ( about you / comment section )

This is just the initial plan, I will slowly upload it during my journey, and will share results, ideas, tools, etc.
I hope someone might find this useful! If you have any questions feel free to ask
I've probably missed many things haha
Anyway, I want to be clear about the fact that I will not try to promote any service/tool/ask for $ on DMS, etc.
Also please feel free to give suggestions on what I could improve/I'm doing wrong
Have a great days guys
After 10+ hours I've seen that there are no major changes in terms of views. I will proceed to prepare all the tools
I think it mainly depends on :
- Warmup
- Unique videos

So what I'm going to do is

- Create 5 fresh accounts on different fingerprints 4g + SMS

Creation using Incogniton/Multilogin/Gologin profiles ( i think they give similar results, they all do the same job )
Fresh created Gmail using UK phone numbers 0.5 $ and another 0.5 $ to verify SMS inside Youtube

- Build automation for warmup

- Random Delay Watch video ( 3 - 15 seconds )
- 5 % probability of like after watching a video
- 30 % probability of following after like
- 10 % probability of open comment section
- random scroll, wait for delays on the comment section

Once it does this for 30 minutes it rotates 4g IP and moves to the next accounts

- Unique videos generator using FFMPEG

This will require some time and research

- Test 3 new accounts fresh 4g + Sms, farm for 30 minutes and upload unique videos ( to understand if warmup does a big difference )

I will likely have to wait a few days before testing upload on new accounts

(Little update)

Split testing :

New Account + Unique Videos + Warmup
New Account + Unique Videos + No Warmup
New Account + Same Video + Warmup
New Account + Same Video + No Warmup

I think i will make 2-3 account each and see how it goes
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What I have done so far :

- Build an automated system to generate videos
- Automated Warmup Account process
- Youtube Upload is fully completed
- Created 4 accounts

UniqueVid + Warm Up 1 ( need to warmup for 2-3 days )
UniqueVid + Warm Up 2 ( need to warmup for 2-3 days )
UniqueVid + No Warm 1 ( uploaded 10 vid )
UniqueVid + No Warm 2 ( uploaded 10 vid )


I've noticed that many big channels have problems getting views, most of their videos are stuck on 1/2 views, also seen that other people are talking about this on bhw Youtube/Journey sections.

What I'm going to do next :
- Study youtube accounts to probably lift limits by day 1, Team, Sub-Accounts, Branded Channel, etc... multiple tests to see if I'm able to get 100 or 100+ from day1
- Train Tiktok account to find my perfect niche videos and download any video that appears on my home over x amount of engagement ( in the future I will auto-download and auto-upload that on yt somehow )
- Research about Api Youtube Upload Services/code my own script
- Possibly boost accounts with fake subs, and views to get trust on brand new accounts.
- Warmup accounts

Hope I will be able to fix ghosting soon, I think this will be my only true challenge, everything else regarding content, monetization, automation is really easy
If anyone has any suggestion please let me know thanks
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Little Update
I think i've found an easy way to upload 5000/10000 videos from 1 single account
I will research Youtube API / external services and try to make a script to manage everything full auto
Will think about fixing ghosting later on, I'm pretty sure it has just to do with the quality accounts. Easily fixable by buying a real channel.
I'm pretty happy about the general results in 2 days! I'm not even sure if uploading video / warmup really helps a fresh account
Now I'm going to sleep, tomorrow I will probably buy a great real account from someone and build the bot to upload 5k/10k+ videos with API
After that, i will just scale with the other 4 accounts and possible upload around 20k videos/day
I will follow your journey .
Keep up the good work mate .
Following. I'm on a similar journey. I'll give you a hint regarding getting views. When you create a brand new channel. Upload 10 shorts (new channel limit of 10 shorts) with a small title (maybe only a single hashtag) and no description and tags. I bet 100% YouTube boosts all your videos on this new channel. This is 4th month now since I'm testing this.

I've seen a guy who got to 50k subscribers with 10 videos in a day. I just got jealous of him and started experimenting same things which he did. Obviously I don't know what exactly to do except copy his videos and titles.

What that guy had did was uplaoded 1 same duplicate video 10 times with only a hashtag with no description, no tags.
When me and my friend tried it my friend got 6K subscribers in 1 hour and I got like 400 only. This was month ago when I tested this.
Currently when I try this method it doesn't work that much. With less evidence and methods to try I'll just say he got lucky

Let me know if you have any questions. You might save your time on things which I have already tried.
PS: I use automated methods too :)
Little Update
I think i've found an easy way to upload 5000/10000 videos from 1 single account
I will research Youtube API / external services and try to make a script to manage everything full auto
Will think about fixing ghosting later on, I'm pretty sure it has just to do with the quality accounts. Easily fixable by buying a real channel.
I'm pretty happy about the general results in 2 days! I'm not even sure if uploading video / warmup really helps a fresh account
Now I'm going to sleep, tomorrow I will probably buy a great real account from someone and build the bot to upload 5k/10k+ videos with API
After that, i will just scale with the other 4 accounts and possible upload around 20k videos/day
If you use official API the limit is 4 videos a day unless you pay for increasing it which costs a lot.
Let me know if you find the unofficial API method for increasing daily upload limit.
Following. I'm on a similar journey. I'll give you a hint regarding getting views. When you create a brand new channel. Upload 10 shorts (new channel limit of 10 shorts) with a small title (maybe only a single hashtag) and no description and tags. I bet 100% YouTube boosts all your videos on this new channel. This is 4th month now since I'm testing this.

I've seen a guy who got to 50k subscribers with 10 videos in a day. I just got jealous of him and started experimenting same things which he did. Obviously I don't know what exactly to do except copy his videos and titles.

What that guy had did was uplaoded 1 same duplicate video 10 times with only a hashtag with no description, no tags.
When me and my friend tried it my friend got 6K subscribers in 1 hour and I got like 400 only. This was month ago when I tested this.
Currently when I try this method it doesn't work that much. With less evidence and methods to try I'll just say he got lucky

Let me know if you have any questions. You might save your time on things which I have already tried.
PS: I use automated methods too :)

I'm already doing your exact process but results aren't good
1 hashtag, no descriptio, no tags

It has to do with platform preventing spam..
You can't make a fresh account gmail/yt,use app for 1min with no browser history/cookie ,upload videos before even viewing one. It screams SPAM behavior from youtube algo perspective.
Now i can't reveal too much but i think i understood why lot of new accounts get lot of views from day1
Next days i will share some results with new exploit i've found out
Anyway really appreciate your help! Thanks a lot
Good luck waiting to see how everything turns out with uploading over 100 shorts per day
Interesting journey please keep us updated whenever you can
Hello dszak !

Thanks for your journey ! Wich tool did you use for build an automated system to generate videos ?
Hello dszak !

Thanks for your journey ! Wich tool did you use for build an automated system to generate videos ?
WinAutomation + FFmpeg
I have one folder with 36 images and around 24 different mp3

Generate Video from images
ffmpeg -start_number 27 -framerate 1 -i img%03d.jpg -pix_fmt yuv420p output1%.mp4

Example Images

Add audio to video
ffmpeg -i output1.mp4 -i audio1.mp3" -map 0:v -map 1:a -c:v copy -shortest result1.mp4

With WinAutomation you can use variables to shuffle random images and videos but you only have 1 thread
With Python you can just build a system to bulk create videos automatically adding multi-thread, loops, and variables

You can remove limit on new accounts also by verification. Then you can add 100 videos in 24 hours.
Yeah, already fixed :)

Following, good luck!
Interesting journey please keep us updated whenever you can
Good luck waiting to see how everything turns out with uploading over 100 shorts per day
Good luck

Thanks a lot guys!


Really happy to announce that in 3 days I've automated most things, understood how to lift limits, how to scale, how to fix ghosting and build my own tools

What I've done so far :

- Fixed Ghosting ( Account quality is the key )
- Exploit 100 uploads per day from day1
- Built API Bot to mass import Yt Accounts, bulk import videos, title spintax, etc. will build profile editor soon
- Video generation in bulk with python FFmpeg script instead of winautomation 1 thread

I can easily manage on 1 VPS around 100 profiles upload 100 videos each so around 10.000 videos that could bring a potential good amount of traffic

First of all, I'm going to test iPhone Giveaway niche to get some $ rolling in, ideally
Later on I'm going to mainly do adult which requires a way better setup

CPI funnel is really easy and works great to make some quick $
Adult funnel requires way more organization and a better back-end monetization system

What I need to do next :

- Build API Yt profile editor to mass prepare accounts with links, descriptions, photos, etc.
- Prepare domain, landing page, and content locker ( better than the competition )
- Record/Buy video ( better quality than the competition )
- Buy a large number of Youtube real accounts from a private provider

Figured out most aspects of youtube shorts, providers' exploits, etc. now I just need to prepare the monetization part and share some results
Should be easy to make around 100-200 $ day but I'm looking to reach at least 500 $ + stable
I will probably manage 2 niches, Adult ( video source my own bot to generate unique content ) and iPhone giveaway ( video source TikTok viral videos on broad niches )

I'm going to first run
10 Channels uploading 100 videos each
then I will move around 50/100 which should bring some serious $
P.s.: I don't plan to share or promote any service/tool/ebook, this is just my journey and I'm happy to share it there.
Accounts should take a bit of time to grow in terms of views so I don't expect instant results from day1
I'm the type of guy who makes 0 $ or 1k $ day and wants a perfect fully-auto quality set up on a big scale
In a few days, I will start sharing screenshots about accounts, views,ogads clicks/conversions

Time to show what Determination + Creativity + Good mindset can lead to
Bookmarked and followed :). I"m doing yt shorts too but i find hard to monetize the audience.
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