[Journey] Growing and Earning from Social Media (Facebook, TikTok, Etc), Patreon/FanVue, and Web Properties (Shopify Drop Shipping & AdSense)


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Mar 30, 2024
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Good Day!

TL;DR: Use Facebook and TikTok to earn ad revenue and drive traffic to Shopify, AdSense, Patreaon, and FanVue sites. Goal of $2,000 per month by December 2024.

I've browsed this forum so many years and tried many strategies in the past. Most of these didn't work due to a failure of me to follow through. I'd often get distracted with other projects, personal matters, etc. But I'm not going to give up. In the past few months I got "decent" traction on a number of Facebook Profiles, Pages, and Groups; I also have a number of TikTok accounts that are slowly growing. Facebook and TikTok are the most popular web properties that I have at the moment but I also have a Shopify site for drop shipping, older AdSense blogs, Patreon page, and FanVue site. More details on these web properties and their respective stats / niches below.

I aim to expand and improve my web properties in order to expand the following revenue streams:

Revenue SourceMarch 2024 IncomeNotes
Facebook Stars$12$12 is sent from only 2 followers who usually sent $1 on some video posts.
Facebook Ads on Reels$0Ads on Reels not fully activated, very close to reaching the 60,000 minutes viewed threshold.
TikTok Shop$0I do not have 5,000 followers on any account yet.
TikTok Creator Fund$0I do not have 10,000 followers on any account yet and do not meet the minimum 100,000 views requirement.
Drop Shipping$24Shopify site is not optimized. It doesn't have a niche and just has some random high margin items. Most sales have been jewelry items.
AdSense$0Pretty sure the sites no longer qualify for AdSense but I am looking to get this started again.
FanVue$0I had 3 subscribers in January but they cancelled.
Patreon$0Currently setting up this page.

The plan of attack is to use the Facebook and TikTok properties to obtain ad revenue and funnel traffic to Shopify, AdSense Blogs, Patreon, and FanVue. I also plan to create Discord and Telegram groups to build communities and help retain the audience in case Facebook or TikTok disable an account.

Currently the audience for Facebook and TikTok can be described as the following:

Content Niche/StyleFashion, Design, Creativity, Technology/Gamer, Music/Rave
Audience Demographics85% male, 15% female
Audience LocationUSA, Thailand, Hong Kong, Philippines, Indonesia

Current Web Properties:

Property TypeQuantityKey Details
Facebook Creator Accounts5Total followers: 35,000. Stars activated. Ads on Reels nearly approved for 2. 100,000 to 500,000 reach in page 30 days. 30,000 to 90,000 engagements.
Facebook Pages20Each with more than 5,000 followers. (Over 900 other pages with less than 5,000 followers).
Facebook Groups30Each with more than 5,000 members. Many growing rapidly. (Over 200 other groups with less than 5,000 members.)
TikTok Accounts3Each with 1,500 followers.
FanVue Page10 subscribers.
Patreon Page10 subscribers.
Shopify Site1~5 unique daily visitors.
AdSense Blogs2Traffic/analytics unknown; AdSense not currently running.

Plan of Attack (Going to put this into a task management tool shortly):

Daily Tasks

  1. Content Sharing: Post at least one piece of content on Facebook, TikTok, FanVue, and Patreon. This could range from quick updates to more detailed posts related to your niche topics.
  2. Engage with Followers: Take time each day to respond to comments and interact with audience across all platforms.

Weekly Tasks

  1. Content Review and Planning: Set aside time to analyze the performance of the past week's content. Use insights to inform the upcoming week’s content strategy.
  2. Platform Refresh: Make sure there's something new or updated on Shopify site, like featured products or blog posts that align with content themes.

Monthly Tasks

  1. Income Review: Evaluate earnings from all sources and identify areas for adjustment or improvement.
  2. Optimization Check: Review your Shopify site and AdSense blogs for optimization opportunities, focusing on SEO and user experience.

Special Initiatives

  • AI-Augmented Content: Utilize AI tools for generating ideas or creating content pieces, especially for daily updates on FanVue and Patreon.
  • Video Branding with FFMPEG: Implement an automated branding process for your videos to ensure consistency and drive traffic to your monetized sites.
  • Interactive Engagement: Incorporate interactive elements into your content, like polls or challenges, to boost engagement and encourage community participation.
  • Direct Traffic for Growth: Use content on Facebook and TikTok to lead followers to your Shopify, Patreon, and FanVue pages with clear calls to action.


For now, what I shared above should give a decent idea of where I am and what I am trying to accomplish. I will have some questions and updates coming shortly. Any feedback and even criticism is welcome, happy to share thoughts, tools, strategies, and other techniques in a collaborative and mutually beneficial manner as well.

One thing I am deathly afraid of is Facebook or TikTok banning my accounts, which could be a fatal setback - does anyone have any advice or personal experience on this matter?

Thanks for reading everyone!

Flying Buffalo
I think I am going to do updates 2 - 3x a week. So I can get into the habit and always follow through:

Updates from yesterday include:
  1. Updated the Patreon page to have all levels of subscribers and started posting content. I also drove around 100 people to the page in the past 2 days but have 0 subscribers.
    1. Will continue to promote and monitor. Tweaking and optimization will be needed.
    2. I need to find a way to promote this heavily without risking my account being banned.
  2. Looked into my previous AdSense blogs. They are pretty much dead. I may have to revamp and re-apply for AdSense.
    1. I may simply purchase AdSense approved blogs to kickstart the process.
  3. Noticed that I get LOTS of engagement on Facebook and TikTok via direct messages. I need to figure out how to effectively convert these engagements.
    1. I may push people to Telegram or another platform but I am worried about being banned/blocked.
    2. I am thinking of creating a landing page on my Shopify site or doing something a bit more custom than Link Tree.
  4. I continue to post on all platforms daily and will improve the pipeline to make this more automated.

Bumping this with an update, things have gone crazy, but in a different way then expected.
  1. I have found a strategy to grow a Facebook group from 0 members to 30K members within about 10-20 days.
  2. I now have over 40 Facebook groups with 30K+ members.
  3. In total I have over 2 million members in various Facebook groups.
I have been making some money via Facebook Bonuses and Facebook Ads on Reels but it isn't that much. At the same time I have noticed people starting to 'market' (spam) links to adsense blogs within my groups. I assume they are making money on this somehow, the analytics on these spam posts are actually pretty good with a reach of thousands and decent engagement.

  1. I am considering buying an Adsense blog and reproducing this strategy.
  2. I am still growing these groups.
  3. I have applied for some affiliate marketing programs, but most of them want a dedicated/specialized website not just Facebook Pages / Facebook Groups.

If anyone had any ideas on how to monetize Facebook groups with 2 million + members, I would love to hear it!
you buy facebook groups or build it??
I build facebook groups myself.

I've honed a pretty useful strategy to build very large groups very quickly. But it only works in certain niches and countries.
Bumping this with an update, things have gone crazy, but in a different way then expected.
  1. I have found a strategy to grow a Facebook group from 0 members to 30K members within about 10-20 days.
  2. I now have over 40 Facebook groups with 30K+ members.
  3. In total I have over 2 million members in various Facebook groups.
I have been making some money via Facebook Bonuses and Facebook Ads on Reels but it isn't that much. At the same time I have noticed people starting to 'market' (spam) links to adsense blogs within my groups. I assume they are making money on this somehow, the analytics on these spam posts are actually pretty good with a reach of thousands and decent engagement.

  1. I am considering buying an Adsense blog and reproducing this strategy.
  2. I am still growing these groups.
  3. I have applied for some affiliate marketing programs, but most of them want a dedicated/specialized website not just Facebook Pages / Facebook Groups.

If anyone had any ideas on how to monetize Facebook groups with 2 million + members, I would love to hear it!
A small update based on this:

After analyzing 'competitors' who are using my facebook groups to market Adsense approved websites/blogs, I went ahead and purchased 2 websites. 1 website is a starter website but it has Adsense approved and another website is a 5 year old website with $100 per month in Adsense revenue.

I plan to market these websites/blogs in my Facebook groups and significantly increase the earnings from Adsense. I will also explore expansion of affiliate marketing and other strategies.

I chose to purchase these websites because my previous attempts (many years ago) to build Adsense approved websites didn't go very smoothly.
can you share that strategy?
There isn't much to it other than creating group names that are commonly searched. I think the main reason I am able to grow is that I have over 40 different Facebook accounts all highly connected to users within the demographic that I am targeting with the groups.
I'm currently in the process of trying to get AdSense approved for the blogs I purchased and successfully merged. I've never had good luck with AdSense but I'm really hoping that because I purchased AdSense blogs that were already approved, I can get the blogs approved on my AdSense account without much trouble.
Sounds like you have a really solid plan. Good luck mate
There isn't much to it other than creating group names that are commonly searched. I think the main reason I am able to grow is that I have over 40 different Facebook accounts all highly connected to users within the demographic that I am targeting with the groups.
thank for advice.
good wishes from here....
Thank you all.

The AWESOME NEWS, I just got is that my AdSense was approved for one of the websites I purchased. I am now earnings about $3-5 per day with AdSense, + $2-4 per day via Facebook.

Breakdown below:
Revenue SourceSeptember 2024 RevenueExpensesNotes
AdSense$90$10 for web hostingI purchased a few sites that already had approval and am now getting them setup on my account. I also have some hosting improvements to make. It is going to take time (a few months to a year) to make back my investment purchasing these websites.
Facebook Bonus$60$0This requires a lot of manual work at the moment, but I do have automation tools to setup.
Facebook Stars$5$0Some months this is 0, other months this is $20
Facebook Ads on Reels$2$0Ads on Reels not fully activated, very close to reaching the 60,000 minutes viewed threshold.
TikTok Shop$0$0I do not have 5,000 followers on any account yet.
TikTok Creator Fund$0$0I do not have 10,000 followers on any account yet and do not meet the minimum 100,000 views requirement.
Drop Shipping$0$0I shut this down for the time being.
FanVue$0$0I shut this down for the time being.
Patreon$0$0I shut this down for the time being.

My next steps are:
  1. Optimize the website hosting and WordPress setup to increase AdSense
  2. Create more content for the websites
    1. Automated content generation system will be tested
  3. Implement automations for Facebook posting
    1. Content generation is already automated but auto posting needs to be implemented
  4. Improve marketing of websites on the LARGE Facebook groups that I have been creating
  5. Attempt to sell an E-Book on one of the websites with AdSense
  6. Join affiliate networks that can be used to increase earnings. I was already approved for one
  7. Deep dive into associates cost and cost management.
A frustrating (but hopefully productive) day.

Transferred the website to a new host and optimized it for speed. Spent most of the day dealing with the hosts and getting rid of modifying wordpress plugins that caused slow PageSpeed insights. I still have some optimization to go (image compression) but I'm in a great spot on Google PageSpeed Insights.


Once a CDN update goes into effect I can start A/B testing different ad layouts.

I estimated I can drive about 500-1,000 people to this site via Facebook everyday or so with manual posts and grow the organic reach as well.
Small updates:
  1. A second site has just been approved by AdSense. I will do the same optimization I did for the first site.
  2. A third site had be denied by AdSense. I need more content here.
  3. Facebook is going well, but it is always tricky. Sometimes Facebook will disable accounts and I lost a few accounts recently.
Carry on!
  1. Facebook disabled one of my accounts that was earning 2-3 per day. This is sad, I will try to recover but it looks like the Facebook crackdown is going to continue.
  2. Almost done consolidating all of the websites onto a single server to reduce operational expenses. Currently earning 2-5 per day on Adsense.