as long as the phone number is not voip or those virutal number, you will be fine.
all formal business accounts work
correct, you still need ID for account holder verification down the road
I normally would open it as a buyer only account, then upgrade it to business account
ein can be used multiple times, ebay does not track ssn as well. you do not need to verify ssn or ein, since they already internally verify within the first few days of account opening, if they don't match for any reason, your account will be flagged.
based on my experience, they don't seem to keep your ein and use it for linked accounts.
they do not keep track of driver license ID
If ebay REALLY wants to ban you because you were already banned before, there is absolutely no way that you can do to avoid it. They are only banning accounts with a half hearted effort. Only lazy people who just do whatever saves them time will get banned, if you are a bit cautious, not getting your accounts ban is very easy.
The hard part is never the account opening part, it is the fulfillment and profitability part that is very difficult.