[Journey]16 years old brazillian guy trying to make a live out of I.M


Junior Member
Jan 24, 2013
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Hello guys, so, I live in Brazil, and I'm brazilian (I don't like living here), so here's my actual situation:

-I'm going to do this full time (I quit studying, if you complain about the educational system in your country is because you don't know the brazillian one)
-Some experience in IM and SEO (already earn some money translating texts from Portuguese to English)
-I program in several different languages, so I can make websites that are precisely what I need for free

Now here's the thing, I only need USD$ 30.00 a day to live over here, yep, that's right, 30 bucks a day and I'm done, even though the economy over here is in a eternal state of shitness (is literally cheaper for you to buy a plane ticket to US, buy an unlocked iPhone 5, stay for a week in a Hotel and then come back here instead of buying a locked iPhone 5 in a 2 year contract), the US dollar have a high conversion rate over here (1 USD = 2 BRL roughly), and living costs on my city are relatively low, so let's do a simple math (considering that I'm earning a steady 30 bucks income):

30*30 = 900
900 * 2 = 1.800

Rent of a 1 bedroom apartment: $ 790,00 (water, taxes and stove gas included)
Electrecity bill: $ 100,00 (100 bucks for electrecity is expensive even here, I'm obviously exagerating)
15mb internet + Telephone or cable/sat. tv*: $ 135,00 (*you can get just internet over here)
Total living costs: BRL $1.025

1.800 - 1.025 = 775
Emergency fund: 380
775 - 380 = 395

400 bucks for food and TADAH!, I'm done!

Now you maybe wondering how I pretend to earn this money, well It's quite simple actually:
-A "funny" images blog (if you know what I mean)
-Selling tweets on SEO Clerks
-A new project that I'm programming from scratch that is a sure fire way to get lots of traffic (is a gaming site, of a kind that don't exists in Brazil)

What I got so far:
-A < 3 Unique visits per day "funny" images blog with some ero-advertising ads setted up
-35% of the gaming site completed
-A twitter account (a personal one, but I will still sell tweets from there) with 3,5K followers

What have I done so far:
-Bought 4k twitter followers from a guy in SEO Clerk (still not delivered)
-Cutted any game addiction that I used to have
And most inportantly:
-Cutted out any kinda of conneciton with crappy people, I don't need shitholes with pencil pushers jobs to demotivate me

Well, I know that I'm fully capable of doing it, so my deadline is December 2013.

There's only ONE thing that "demotivates" me, ADHD, I know that I have, but my mom thinks that is just because "I stay on the computer way to much" (even tought she knows and accepts the fact that I work with internet for some years), so she wont take me to a doctor for me to get a fricking prescription.

(BTW: I'm not a native english speaker, so if you notice an english mistake, please correct me)
Anyway guys, I hope you enjoy my adventure, and I'm sure that I will give something back to the community ASAP.
You can make $5,000 a month just from seoclerks and fiverr (selling youtube, twitter, and instagram services) just a suggesting. Good luck and i hope you reach your goal.
fiverr and mturk these have made me money and i am live super new at this. you what i notice is that the expense in the non us countries are not that far off from what they are in the us .so everybody has a shot these days .
fiverr and mturk these have made me money and i am live super new at this. you what i notice is that the expense in the non us countries are not that far off from what they are in the us .so everybody has a shot these days .

Really?, just on the Electrecity bill there's over 4 different taxes, and 100 bucks of the apartment rent is just taxes, here you have even the "asphalt" tax (I'm not joking)
Good luck on your journal my friend. I know what is like living in a south american country and im pretty sure you will reach your goal. I'll keep an eye on this journal, i hope you can update it regularly since i knownit will help you a lot.

Also, you are hosting the soccer world cup next year, so i'm pretty sure that you can bank from it and IM. You might want to start trying to conquer some local SERPS so when the time come you bank them hard! Good luck bro

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Good luck on your journal my friend. I know what is like living in a south american country and im pretty sure you will reach your goal. I'll keep an eye on this journal, i hope you can update it regularly since i knownit will help you a lot.

Also, you are hosting the soccer world cup next year, so i'm pretty sure that you can bank from it and IM. You might want to start trying to conquer some local SERPS so when the time come you bank them hard! Good luck bro

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Hi, how exatcly should I proced to conquer some SERPS? (I'm totally new to the concept)
Day 1:

Phew, got a heck of a stuff done today:

-Programmed a little bit of my site
-Composed and posted one gallery of "funny images"
-Readed a TON of stuff on BHW
-Applyied for some CPA networks

What I will do tomorrow:
-Buy a domain name and use the "My personal review" thingie with clickbank
-Program a little bit more of my website
-Compose a "funny" post
-Study and do some commenting focusing on my "funny" blog
-Get some traffic for the clickbank review website using the good old comment method


Unique pageviews: 2 (2 today)
Ads profit: $ 0.00
CPA profit: $ 0.00

A humble start of something epic.
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Hey OP.Congrats on cutting the gaming addiciton. In my opinion, as an ex-gamer, one can tune in to the gaming feel, and use IM as a game. It can turn into a similar addiction. Fast actions equals fast results, and so on.
I'm brazilian too.
I'm still new to IM. Got accepted in some CPA networks this week.
I'm going to try some methods this week to see how it goes.

Good luck to us!!!
im brazilian too and i fucking hate the government system. IM or anything related to internet business is the way to go. I ahte when people tell me that i will not get anywhere doing this even my mom says that lol. They all think that you can just earn good money going to school / college / university and studying for their entire life like androids. they dont realize that they just live once. i am with a freakly good ideia in my head but i need around $3k startup to do it. btw im 17.

PS: i cant hear anybody talking about ENEM. makes me puke
im brazilian too and i fucking hate the government system. IM or anything related to internet business is the way to go. I ahte when people tell me that i will not get anywhere doing this even my mom says that lol. They all think that you can just earn good money going to school / college / university and studying for their entire life like androids. they dont realize that they just live once. i am with a freakly good ideia in my head but i need around $3k startup to do it. btw im 17.

PS: i cant hear anybody talking about ENEM. makes me puke

That's basically how the rest of the world thinks also. Everybody is stuck with the 9-5 work schedule.

We will prove them wrong my son :cheers:
im brazilian too and i fucking hate the government system. IM or anything related to internet business is the way to go. I ahte when people tell me that i will not get anywhere doing this even my mom says that lol. They all think that you can just earn good money going to school / college / university and studying for their entire life like androids. they dont realize that they just live once. i am with a freakly good ideia in my head but i need around $3k startup to do it. btw im 17.

PS: i cant hear anybody talking about ENEM. makes me puke
Any brazillian with decency sense dislikes the government.

In case you guys are wondering, ENEM is a national-level exam, that if you do well, you get some cheap discount on some University (that always gets cancelled because the awsers just leak)

Another curiosity about Brazil, almost every single brazillian has this two dreams:

1 - Get a cushy public job on the government system (you can't be fired from these)
2 - Buy some houses (around 5) and place then to rent
This two things is what makes "financial stability" in this weirdos heads, since Brazil is in a strong real estate bubble 5 houses wont cost you any less than BRL$ 100.000, and if you are lucky enought, you find 5 UTTERLY CRAZY people to rent this house paying one grand a month.

(Maybe this may sound a little bit crazy, but I swear to you, almost every single brazillian thinks that financial stability is to invest half a million to get with alot of luck 5 grand each month)
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Goodluck with your journey, I've always wanted to live in Brazil. I could make $200 a day online and probably live like a king there (and I off a bit?).
I also feel like I have ADHD but my mom wont take me to see a doctor cuz she think I'm faking just for the adderall (She caught me with it b4).
Goodluck with your journey, I've always wanted to live in Brazil. I could make $200 a day online and probably live like a king there (and I off a bit?).
I also feel like I have ADHD but my mom wont take me to see a doctor cuz she think I'm faking just for the adderall (She caught me with it b4).

Life-wise you are right, you would have an awsome house, an very nice car, but don't even bother coming and live in Brazil, is not worth it, as I explained, sometimes (everytime) taxes are so fucked up that is cheaper for you to fly to america/canada and buy form there, and there isn't a bad enought word to describe the goverment and general people education, in short, stay where you are, moving to Brazil is not worth it.

Btw, this crazy economy results in some crazy effects, since every imported/foreign product is seen as a "rich guys thing" (because they are more expensive than the national counterparts), brazillians think tha Heinz, Budweiser, Heineken and Kitkat are a "premium-tier" product, little do they know that this is considered cheap things in US.

Btw[2]: Wanna drink a nice 2 litter bottle of Coke? (67 ounces?), Oki doki, for just 5 bucks you can do this.

EDIT: Forget the very nice car thing, you would have a nice car in brazillian terms, cars over here can be as expensive as houses (very big houses!)
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Don't forget about health, I am not sure how much it costs there but having a health plan is cheaper than paying as you go for consults and w/e else.

Even if you are a healthy person and don't need to use it, you sure don't want to make that huge pay as you go when you need it, it could throw you out of your array.
Don't forget about health, I am not sure how much it costs there but having a health plan is cheaper than paying as you go for consults and w/e else.

Even if you are a healthy person and don't need to use it, you sure don't want to make that huge pay as you go when you need it, it could throw you out of your array.

True, you just can't realy on public healthcare, I remember one day that the queue line for a public hospital was so big that a tv channel rented a helicopter just so they could show the entire line.

(Spoiler: they dind't manage, even using 16:9 aspect ratio)
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