[Journey] 100% transparency reviewing every course on blackhatworld

I have been away for some time now. I kept purchasing the guides sold on BHW but couldn't find the time to review them.

I am now back and will be creating threads in the coming days where I review popular guides on BHW.

I will start with these two guides and move on to others.

How I Made $75,000 in 4 Months with 2 Projects (Proof of Earnings Included)

STEP by STEP: How to make money with music streaming | Video Course | How to get music | Private Telegram Group

don't hesitate to propose courses you want to be reviewed next
Man, I just saw your topic for the first time today and I started from page one when I went to page 3, and still on 2022 replies, I thought the Ebooks writers killed you!
Yeah just someone who proclaims big goals and then just doesn't follow through on em. Happens a lot on BHW
Yeah just someone who proclaims big goals and then just doesn't follow through on em. Happens a lot on BHW
i am trying to make time to help others, instead of writting an uncessary negative comment you can just not read my threads :) .
I had this exact same idea some time ago myself. I don't have the necessary tools to start but I'd like to get on this train at one point or other soon.

It's nice to see your side with what you've done. I will be following along and maybe have a few reviews myself.