[Journey] $1/day after 2 weeks and $3 spent with Instagram [2019]


Senior Member
Feb 14, 2019
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Hello and welcome to a complete noob instagram cpa journey.

Exactly 2 weeks ago I accidentaly found an ebook online on how to make money with Instagram Cpa. I had no idea it was possible and had zero affiliate marketing knowledge. I started very sceptical and wasn't willing to invest my money in something I don't understand, but then I noticed those instagram accounts with 1k followers only cost $2, so I bought one.
Since the purchase was made I felt like I had to invest a bit of my time into researching on how instagram cpa works and at least try to follow the guide. And what do you know, the guide turned out to be great help and I got hooked to get this business going. I started by creating a website, I have a little bit of web development experiance, so instead of wordpress I just used a notepad and created an original landing page in a few days which looked more or less appealing. Then it was time to find hosting, obviously I wasn't going to pay for it, so I just googled free hosting with ssl (that green lock near url which makes the user trust the site more) and few clicks later I had a free hosting going, but wait, then I realized "lickmyass.tk.co.uk" and similar subdomains going to be a huge red flag for everyone and nobody is going to click my link! I really wanted to get a .com domain, but those are expensive, so I started looking for a short .xyz one, but most were taken. Later that day I decided to check this online coupon site and surprisingly found just what I needed. I got a coupon on any .com domain for 1 year for $1. (I don't want to share any exact websites, most are from 1 page of google search).
So at that point I had everything ready to go, website was up and running, instagram was ready. I downloaded jarvee bot trial and set it up just like the guide said and did some basic user targeting (I chose free follower niche). Then I created a nice bio and some photos, entered the link to my website (no ads, just test material). Bot was working it's ass off, new followers every minute, engagement rate growing, comments, likes, dm's... I let it run like that for 2 days and then went to check my website visitor statistic. It had one visit (me) in 2 days. At that point I was about to throw my laptop into a dumpster and start a potato farm. I spent hours searching for help and trying to figure out what did I do wrong, I tried differnet targeting, different bot settings, dm'ing people, checked if my account is visible from other devices. Turned out my f***ing link wasn't working, because I mistyped it. It was such a dumb mistake I couldn't believe I made it. Obviously that fixed my problem and people slowly started visiting my site.
Then came the hardest part, I needed to add a content locker, some ads and manage to still not scare people away. My website had 2 versions - desktop and mobile one. On mobile one I went with ogads which was a pain in the ass to get approved to, but I did it somehow and on desktop I went with trafficompany which took a second to register and setup. At that point I've had spent $3 and 1.5 weeks working my ass off to get this all running.
Now 2 weeks later I'm writing this post and can say every second spent on this project was worth it, because I learned a lot of new things and I'm actually making around $1 every day so far. Targeting is hard and unpredictable, but it does make a difference. I don't know what I'll do next, because, to be honest I have no idea how to scale up, what are proxies and should I create my own accounts or buy those cheap ones again. We'll see, for now I'm happy to have achieved this.

can't add proof because new account

P.S. Forgot to brag about something I'm proud of. I created this php script on my site which asks for users instagram name, sends it to server and ranks up depending on how many times this exact user tried to get "free followers". Then I just open my top 10 user list and target their followings which usually bring me highly engaged followers.
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Wow! Taking action good to see that.
If I may advice you can scale it up buy buying jarvee and some more accounts set it up proxies. Be aware of bans so research jarvee settings properly to not get banned when scaling up.
Try Crakrevenue for adult cpa. I heard that's good too.
Its a nice start. Good read. Would be better with spaces on each paragraph though.

You seems just need scale up. Means more accounts. And yes, proxy is a must if you running more than 3 accounts. Find them on marketplace and good luck!
This is a very good and interesting read. Well done,
I did not read the whole thing it was too big but all the best for your journey
Following :) Yes, OP's post is long-ish, but it's well written and interesting.
Very interesting written, please continue! But the paragraph breakdown is not enough, it would be easier to read them. Good luck anyway!
where d you buy accounts with 1k followers for $2 lol
Wish you the best and I hope you will have more tips and tricks to post here for us. Following
where d you buy accounts with 1k followers for $2 lol

There was a link in the guide I was following, but probably it was a one time offer, because cheapest one now is $6