[Journal] Journey to a $10/day Site!


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Aug 7, 2010
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Hey everyone! I saw this thread yesterday - http://www.blackhatworld.com/blackh...933-thank-you-bhw-i-am-now-making-50-day.html - and was inspired. Up until now, I've always done very greasy things, that are 'one-hit wonders', making ~$5k-$20k each time, but they don't last very long and it's only by chance that they happen. That's why I want to start creating a large passive income. Relying on luck and quick bucks just isn't the way to go.

So, I've found a niche that interests me, and now I'm going to get started! I'll post any and all updates here, with exactly what I'm doing and precise stats of how many hits & conversions I've gotten. I've literally just started, the domain was just registered.

In case you don't want to read over that thread, basically I'm setting up a WordPress site for an easy rankable keyword, putting a good quality article on the site, ranking it to (hopefully) #1-3, then content locking the page with a content locker from LeadBolt. I'll make money from the people that sign up to the offers on the content locker.

Day 1 - November 27, 2011
-Used TrafficTravis to research a niche that I already had picked out. It's a niche that is easy to include downloads for, and therefore will be easy to monetize via content locking. (in the thread I linked to, the op mentioned a keyword suggestion scraper, anyone know where I would find that?)
-Found a pretty decent keyword, global exact searches are 4.4k, competition that TrafficTravis shows is 0%, and there are only about 100k SERPs.
-I've had a LeadBolt account for a very long time, so I'll be using that, and if this goes well I'll buy Content Lock Pro soon!

Day 2 - November 28, 2011
-Registered the domain (EMD!, .com), with whois privacy (just a habit) and hosting, total cost: $37.13 from GoDaddy
-Hosting account has been setup, now waiting for GoDaddy to finish setting it up and I'll be ready to go!
-WordPress installation has been completed! Choosing a nice theme now.
-Theme choosing and article writing has been completed! Starting to ping URLs now, a huge list.

"As I Go" Notes
Now that the domain has been registered, I'm adding it to my hosting and setting up WordPress. I'll be back with an update!
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NIce job man, I just started my own journey with cpa for the same daily goal. Good luck
Good luck mate! I setup a WordPress site early but im useless when it comes to ranking it, getting traffic etc, hope you do better than i :)

Thanks for the support guys!

Hosting has been setup, and WordPress is currently being installed. I've started on writing the article as well. As soon as I'm done with the article, I'll be pinging with this list: http://www.blackhatworld.com/blackh...box-list-statistical-sites-rapid-indexer.html. I've made a program of my own to ping the URLs rather than spending more money on ScrapeBox - want to keep this as low-budget as possible!

That should index the site within the hour. Then I can start the ranking. Still looking around at a few services I plan on using. :)
Alright, the article's done, it's about 500 words (I got a bit lazy towards the end, if need be I'll write up another 500 word article). It's up and ready, so now I'm going to start pinging those links!
Pretty sure I didn't do the pinging correctly, but we'll see. haha Going out for lunch, be back shortly.
Still waiting for it to be indexed, hopefully it will be soon!
You're soley monetizing off content lockers? Let's get in contact. We can exchange ideas, I've been successful in doing this. PM me and I'll exchange my skype.
Finally got the site indexed! Looking around for just a bit to see what SEO services I should use. The site is currently on page 4.
Unfortunately I can't edit my first post. >.> Oh well, I'll just post regular updates and then an overview at the end!

Day 4 - November 30, 2101
-Site was finally indexed! Current rank is #32 for the keyword.
Good look! i'm in the process of trying to set up some long term income strategies now because the short term ones are getting less frequent :)
Sorry for the lack of recent updates guys! But great news!! The site jumped up to rank 12 without even a bit of SEO. :) I'll decide on a few blasting services to use tomorrow and then we'll get this thing up to rank #1 ;)
And the site is now rank 10, no SEO work at all. lol December 6 is when I'll be deciding on 2-3 $5-10 services to use to try and rank it. :)
Good luck mate and make sure you have diversity on backlink :cool:
I'm interested in how you get visitors to complete the leadbolt offers. I don't seem to have luck with that.