I've read to dream big, I've dreamt colossal, but is it possible?


May 22, 2012
Reaction score
I have found a keyword phrase that gets 50m global searches a month with low competition using Google Adwords tool. I am new to IM and have been browsing the boards the last two weeks for ideas on how to best monetize this possible source of traffic. I'm a pretty intelligent guy, but when it comes to this field I am really just grasping basic concepts still. I'm not even sure if the information I've given so far is valued as much as I am thinking it would be. So if I'm wrong in 50m/global and 15m/local at low competition being a huge opportunity, just straight up tell me I'm a stupid n00b and to never post again until I learn better.

I know a ton about the niche at hand and was thinking about building a site and SEO ranking it, apply adsense, and creating my own ebooks to sell once a month. Possibly including a forum, and developing a community from the traffic, obviously raising my chances of selling my own products.

I was also considering ranking a video series with the phrase. Which I have intermediate skills at video production. This could possibly compliment the site.

I'd like advice on what direction I should take from an extremely reputable member of these forums. Someone I can trust won't screw me over. I appreciate you guys reading. I apologize if I have misunderstood something, and I haven't actually found a goldmine. Hahaha Any feedback to teach me otherwise would be greatly appreciated.
I just realized this is probably not placed in the correct section, but hey, I'm new, cut me some slack. =P
Well the competition in Google Adwords doesn't represent the difficulty to rank in Google it's the advertiser competition !

So your keyword might be really difficult to rank or not Google Adwords is not giving any information about that.
If it is a niche that you have extensive knowledge in and enjoy then I would say go for it as you will earn either way, money and experience or just experience.

It is hard to say if it is a goldmine as there are a few things you would need to be looking for, how generic is the keyword would be a start. With 50 million searches a month you have either not searched for the exact phase or it could be a generic word. Think "Dog" as opposed to "Training Golden Retrievers", 50 million searches for "Dog" would be no where near as profitable as "Training Golden Retrievers".

Your plan though is SOLID! Anyway hopefully that helps a little with your decision.
Thanks BiSocks, see I thought they were the same. But with that much traffic I'd gladly pay for the ad placement if it could assure me visitors.

Ooo, I see, thanks Pink. I searched the exact phrase. It's a pretty direct search, I mean it includes 4 words. I have quite a different approach to my offering than any of the 1st page competitors, and what I would like to offer is a solid solution. Thanks for the plan compliment! I've honestly never done anything like this and of course I'm a bit afraid of failure. Which from what I've read you can't fail if you keep trying, but I don't want to invest a lot of money into something that won't result into a profit.
Ooo, I see, thanks Pink. I searched the exact phrase. It's a pretty direct search, I mean it includes 4 words. I have quite a different approach to my offering than any of the 1st page competitors, and what I would like to offer is a solid solution. Thanks for the plan compliment! I've honestly never done anything like this and of course I'm a bit afraid of failure. Which from what I've read you can't fail if you keep trying, but I don't want to invest a lot of money into something that won't result into a profit.

Well if your stats are right then you will make a killing. If you feel the investment is too big to risk walking away with only experience then I would see if one of the more experienced TRUSTED members would take a look for you and give you some advice. 50 million searches a month with your own product and forum, I would go for it.
One thing you need to make sure of before you start, is whether the numbers you have are for the broad searches, or exact searches. There's a huge difference between the two.
I have found a keyword phrase that gets 50m global searches a month with low competition using Google Adwords tool. I am new to IM and have been browsing the boards the last two weeks for ideas on how to best monetize this possible source of traffic. I'm a pretty intelligent guy, but when it comes to this field I am really just grasping basic concepts still. I'm not even sure if the information I've given so far is valued as much as I am thinking it would be. So if I'm wrong in 50m/global and 15m/local at low competition being a huge opportunity, just straight up tell me I'm a stupid n00b and to never post again until I learn better.

I know a ton about the niche at hand and was thinking about building a site and SEO ranking it, apply adsense, and creating my own ebooks to sell once a month. Possibly including a forum, and developing a community from the traffic, obviously raising my chances of selling my own products.

I was also considering ranking a video series with the phrase. Which I have intermediate skills at video production. This could possibly compliment the site.

I'd like advice on what direction I should take from an extremely reputable member of these forums. Someone I can trust won't screw me over. I appreciate you guys reading. I apologize if I have misunderstood something, and I haven't actually found a goldmine. Hahaha Any feedback to teach me otherwise would be greatly appreciated.

Test a niche with paid traffic first. Then do SEO if traffic is there and they buy. SEO is a long term investment.

The fact that you know niche and believe tools are correct and it'll all workout means jack shit. TEST EVERY ASSUMPTION BEFORE INVESTING LONG TERM.
Of course there's a lot of work ahead of me in order to create all that I have visualized. But given the tools I am confident I could do it. I just need the help of a trustworthy person to help me organize the path. Now I wonder how I can find out how generalized my search is. Or rather, how hard it would be to rank on the first page. I know it's reliant on more than just traffic. How would one test such a thing?
Well there's my answer, test traffic, then SEO. I'll be searching how to do that. Thanks man. And I realized that my assumption may be wrong on whether it was possible to utilize the keyword phrase, I just didn't know where to go next in planning. Thanks bud.
Just make sure that kw of yours is not a patent kw or a companies copyright. You could be in deep shit (as you are new) if you start a website with patent keyword.
I'm retarded. I see the [Exact] box now. -_- Off I go to my hole of shame. I knew it sounded much too good to be true. Now its at 60k monthly, which isn't bad, but still wayyy different. I'm sorry guys, how do you delete a thread?
I'm retarded. I see the [Exact] box now. -_- Off I go to my hole of shame. I knew it sounded much too good to be true. Now its at 60k monthly, which isn't bad, but still wayyy different. I'm sorry guys, how do you delete a thread?

Why delete it? 60k is still a pretty good figure with low competition to do something with.

And any thread that highlights exact over broad makes our job easier when reminding people new to the keyword research game to ALWAYS do this part of it.

Whether the figure is 50mill or 60k the response and advise should be exactly the same
Why delete it? 60k is still a pretty good figure with low competition to do something with.

And any thread that highlights exact over broad makes our job easier when reminding people new to the keyword research game to ALWAYS do this part of it.

Whether the figure is 50mill or 60k the response and advise should be exactly the same

I suppose you're right. I guess in this field I need to get comfortable with making mistakes. Hah

And 60k is more traffic than I currently have. I just don't know how marketable the niche is. I'm thinking with this specifically it's probably all about how well you build the relationship. But as you can see I've been wrong before. =P
60k exact / month is still good. Remember there's still a +/-% around that 60k. Try to check the SEO competition with other tools though.
60k exact / month is still good. Remember there's still a +/-% around that 60k. Try to check the SEO competition with other tools though.

I downloaded SEOquake and now I can see the stats, but I'm not sure how to process the data. I'm thinking if I were to compare this data with what I could possibly buy that would show me the likelihood of ranking. "SEMRush links" I could see as a possible parallel to backlinks? Which is a major factor in ranking right?

Edit: My assumption is true. So the number 1 search result only has 75 backlinks, and I've seen affordable services on here offer more than that! Now I just have to figure out what other factors it has that I'd have to beat out. Which I know the content will be as valuable.
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Dreaming big is one thing,being arrogant and not rumble is another.

You should start from the basics,list all the factors on seo that you need to consider,and start making your own testing,buy 10 domains for keywords with 10k to 30k monthly searches,and try to rank them.