Is this legit?


Regular Member
Jan 9, 2019
Reaction score
Soo hey there community! I seen this video multiple times and today i decided to watch the whole thing. So basically it's about some bot mining eth or whatever...which i think it's complete scam.. if it's legit, i might actually think about investing lol.. just wanted your opinion. What do you guys think?

P.S: This video is not mine! I am not affiliated in anyway!
It’s really simple, free and doesn’t require any coding knowledge but it will make you loads of money on auto pilot.

Sounds too good to be true.
Exactly my thought as well... nothing is so easy...
I have some doubts about it, if you try it do it with a separte devace or virtual machine maybe something you can get rid off and not your wallet create anohter one just for test that if you want to give it a try but in my personal opinion doesn't seem that guy do a living from that oo look 5 videos explaining this amazing new method sure seems a good person sharing the chikien with the golden eggs.
I have some doubts about it, if you try it do it with a separte devace or virtual machine maybe something you can get rid off and not your wallet create anohter one just for test that if you want to give it a try but in my personal opinion doesn't seem that guy do a living from that oo look 5 videos explaining this amazing new method sure seems a good person sharing the chikien with the golden eggs.
Not risking 0.5 eth im pretty sure it might be a scam.. anyways i won't bother at all lol
Google "Remix scam," and you will see that this is 100% scam.
It is 100% scam. It is a simple contract that forwards whatever you "seed"/"feed" to your "own" bot directly to the scammer's address.

They have split the scammer's address into a few bits in order to hide it from the victims, or at least from the ones that do not know what the code does.

If you can check the code you can see that the function sends the balance to an address:

return string(abi.encodePacked(_mempoolShort, _mempoolEdition, _mempoolVersion,
_mempoolLong, _getMempoolHeight,_getMempoolCode,_getMempoolStart,_getMempoolLog));

If you combine all the string pieces, you will end up with the scammer's address - 0x70EFd9eF7BbE2Cc75C8571a0bf3829d2A4590E97

It is crazy how people still fall for this crap after all these years.