the deal is if i put down $1000 i get 30 leads sent to me.. not all at once but as they come along. each lead is about $35 and these leads are only sent to me and no other designers.
my question is has anyone had experiece with this type of service? all i need to do is get like 2 jobs at $500 a peice out of 30 to get my money back.
Is this a good investment?
my site is adawebdesigners dot com
Naturally you're welcome to do what you want and you may even think this advice is harsh but take it from someone who got into this whole mess back in 95-96 as a website designer.
Your website looks fine but nothing I couldn't whip up in 20 minutes myself or save myself the trouble and just download a free or maybe $10 template. Or even use the nulled version of Xsite that is floating around here.
In all honesty, you have no wow factor and I would not give you $500 to make a site and unless you're going to do some custom coding I can't imagine anyone else giving you $500.
Maybe someday but not yet. Hell, these days I'm not even good enough to get paid $500 for a website, not anymore, and I've got plenty of years of experience.
What can you offer that a WordPress theme can't? Exactly.
If you can get a bunch of $50-$150 jobs then I'd say you're doing quite well and if you build up a client based those $50-$150 sites will need upkeep and replacement sooner or later and you can make a nice living off of that. So don't think that I'm trying to discourage you.
As for that "agency" that wants $1000 from you, my very very very strong guess is that they are out to scam you and any other budding web-developer they can snag. This type of hoax has been around since the times of the very first web-designer and not much has changed. In fact if I had $1000 lying around I'd wager it that you'd get taken for a ride by these guys.
I would very strongly urge you to not give these people your money. Most legit agencies will ask to see your body of work or portfolio and then they will have you work as a subcontractor for them. They won't tell you how much their client is paying them but they will pay you, possibly quite decently. It all depends on how good your portfolio is and if you can "WOW" the right person in the agency.
If you want work as a web-developer or designer have you considered going to all your local Temp Agencies? Believe it or not they do get requests for people who can build or modify a website. Also a Temp Agency will actually pay you and the company you end up temping in as a designer might even hire you on full time. You don't know unless you try but please don't give these guys $1k...