Is There Anyway Of Making Money With This Website?


Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
Hi All,

I am pretty new to IM. I spent some time creating a website a few months back.

It has all unique content on it. The little problem (at least in my mind) is that the niche isn't the greatest in the world to make money on.

I did submit to g00gle and got a few pages indexed. I have ad sense on the site, have a few visitors a day, but no clicks.

I guess I was hoping that somebody would give me some direction. What do you think is the best course of action I should take?

my website is at

Much appreciation to anyone with any suggestions.

Also, if anyone has anything bad to say for any reason, you are very welcome.


Hi All,

I am pretty new to IM. I spent some time creating a website a few months back.

It has all unique content on it. The little problem (at least in my mind) is that the niche isn't the greatest in the world to make money on.

I did submit to g00gle and got a few pages indexed. I have ad sense on the site, have a few visitors a day, but no clicks.

I guess I was hoping that somebody would give me some direction. What do you think is the best course of action I should take?

my website is at

Much appreciation to anyone with any suggestions.

Also, if anyone has anything bad to say for any reason, you are very welcome.


hi there mike
My suggestion is to change you layout of our adsense code take the banner off and put text ads. You can also put amazon into your website to help sell massage equipment you can also put chikita into it to you can also add widgets to your site also you can put ebay ads. There are alot of things you can add id say first change lay out of your adsense ads is my suggestion. Another thing add a link portal at the bottom to get links to your site. More links equal more traffic and higher page rank. If you like my ideas hit the thank you button :P
Thanks for your suggestions....

Do you think it would be worth it to watermark the youtube vids ( I fixed the one on the breast massage page )... Maybe that would give me some traffic.

Like I said, thank you for your suggestions. If you have any more, please write back at your leisure.


It looks like you do not have any back-links coming to your site.....?? Am I right?

I would suggest articles on Hubpages and Squidoo, for backlinks, and to help promote your site... And maybe even a blog, if you can throw one together. The search engine LOVES Back-links from related pages. Also loves blogs, because they can be updated and added to, often.
Thanks for your input...

I was thinking of creating a blog, just not sure which way to go yet.

The thing that sucks is that there aren't many long tail keywords for massage. I'm getting 100 ad sense impressions a week, but the ads that come up kinda suck...

I was thinking people would more than likely click on an ad about massage lotions or oils or something instead of massage therapy.

What about submitting the articles to directories?

Just wanna do something with this website or forget about it...

Thanks so much to anyone and everybody for taking time to look
at my post and giving your best feedback.


Maybe you should just work on getting more and more related links to it. You could always just pull up other massage articles of peoples'. Re-write it as your own, and just throw a new massage-related keyword-rich article into your blog every week or so, of course linking back to the site - As maintenance.. Make sure you have some back-links.
I think, one thing about Google is it will treat your site with more love, as it ages.

Although, maybe the Adsense ads will always suck, be unrelated, and unprofitable.
In which case, may not be worth the effort.. Unless it does get clicks. I agree with text-ads, not banners.

I think other people should give more advice, because it might not be a good niche for getting clicks. I wonder if it -would- be better if you did offer massage oils, as an affiliate.

Maybe I am just ranting out loud. But, Google loves original content. And if your site is only a couple months old, it may be too soon to simply say it's "not profitable/worth it'.

If after you have tested getting back-links and traffic, nothing is able to convert, maybe it's just not profitable.. But I would go with a 'set it and forget it', while moving onto other things at the same time, just to see what happens with it.

Sorry... I used your thread for ranting, hope you can get some awesome help. :rain:
Thanks for your suggestions....

Do you think it would be worth it to watermark the youtube vids ( I fixed the one on the breast massage page )... Maybe that would give me some traffic.

Like I said, thank you for your suggestions. If you have any more, please write back at your leisure.


You-tube videos would be a great way to promote look at the you tube package on here download a bunch of videos water mark them and upload them up to You-tube again get tube increaser i think this is the name and hit your videos with veiw's and comments to increase popularity. All this is in a ebook on here to that's where i got the information. Like vash said try to get those back links it will increase clicks too.
Imo thats nice looking website. For frontpage you could slam ad block to that empty space.

For promotion check out yahoo answers and similar i bet theres lots of people looking for this kind of stuff.

allso as people said rewrite or write articles and submit to ezine and make squidoo and such.
you could allso do some social bookmarking :)

get traffic android for that . they give you 14 day trial, and i think it can be exploited to make it longer

and build up backlinks :) hope it helps
Thanks so much to those who took the time to respond....

I am going to check out all of the suggestions that were made.

Thanks again,
