I am Polish. That means I am living in a country where people don't want to work. I know maybe 5 Polish people on BHW.
I can't stand these $50 per day threads on my local country forums, so I stand here.
It's rare to see someone talking $1k/day budgets in Poland.
People earning $200 per day here think they're on some kind of goldmine and are extremely lucky to be able to work these jobs.
Most of that is blown on cars, hookers and apartments.
Not many entrepreneurs here. So boring.
This country CEOs are CEOs to get themselves a nice car and feed their family, not to build something interesting and grow big.
They don't care about what it's going to be in 5 years.
They don't seem to be able to work a job and do something on side.
They turn every business into a job.
All of them go to their little small office for 8 hours and do some random s*it then.
Can't see them investing a lot of time into this.