Signature rules are that you can have a banner OR text lines.
You must be a Paid Member on this forum in order to use text, links or images in your signature. You may post up to 3 affiliate links or 1 banner comprising of 728x90 pixels maximum in your signature. Do not use a font size any larger than 15, crazy fonts/colours, sound clips, excessive smileys, or anything else annoying. For the avoidance of doubt, this includes calls to action such as "Private Message me".
5.1 - Signature Banners should not display bare skin or nudity, persons in bikinis and lingerie are also not acceptable. Suggestive images, religious references, or vulgar language are also not acceptable. Your signature maybe removed at's discretion and any infraction will be applied. Banners should not be similar to other advertisers on the site so as to mislead or create confusion or passing off. This includes signatures within threads. You are permitted to use jpg, png or limited animated gif’s, the refresh rate on any graphic or text within the gif should not be less than 3 seconds. Annoying or flashing images are NOT acceptable, including text flashing, and text flying in at any position, glitch effects, flash is NOT accepted. The file size of any banner should not exceed 200KB, ideally, your banner size should be 100KB or less for loading speed - banners slowing may be removed. Your banner should not contain claims which are false, misleading, non-quantifiable or passing off such as "Position 1 guarantee" or “Approved by Google” in circumstances when they have not been so approved by Google or any other third party.