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let me know if your interested in being an reshipper for pharma products in US. Great money to earn and and good volume of orders weekly 30-50 orders, payment with crypto weekly.
I am interested in working and hearing more about this, could you pm me
I do the same , I have huge suppliers for all types men and women. Literally huge warehouses I have personal contacts there through family. If you want to discuss message me too , or if anyone is interested in this niche . Kindest Regards
Hello can you pm me?
I'm selling replica bags and watches for the last few years. in starting GMC was the best option for these products, but recently google started banning accounts, Now I shift to Search ads and social media marketing. For SMM I'm using FB, insta and tiktok ads, and my ads never got rejected. I'm directly showing Rolex, omega, and other brands in videos
HOW DO YOU DO THAT? CAN YOU CONTACT ME FOR MORE INFO PLEASE? I will pay mojey for your time if you will teach me
of course ! The market is really blossoming right now. You just need the right country and good quality.
Check dm hopefully we can progress . The suppliers I got connections with the quality compare to Turkey and other China suppliers are massively different
$80 replica shoes ::weep: The best quality replica sneakers in Istanbul cost 10 dollars.
Hello, I have a sneaker manufacturing company in Istanbul I can help you, I make high quality Adidas, Nike, new balance products, write me your contact information from Dm