is it smart to dropship replica clothes in 2023?

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Be smart and sell through different eBay names and keep switching acts
It still a good business. What payment methods you used back then ?
I'm selling replica bags and watches for the last few years. in starting GMC was the best option for these products, but recently google started banning accounts, Now I shift to Search ads and social media marketing. For SMM I'm using FB, insta and tiktok ads, and my ads never got rejected. I'm directly showing Rolex, omega, and other brands in videos
The demand for these products is still huge. However, is it banned in your country? And brand products, when running ads you need to be careful because it is easy to disable your account
i sold replica sneakers & clothes back in 2021 and i made good money with free traffic on tiktok. i had a manufacturer in china, sneakers costed 80$ and i managed to sell it for over 150$. is it still smart to sell replicas in 2023 or should i dropship a other product?
yes, it still working


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Who can create website and keep updated while I fulfill orders , I have connections to highend suppliers for men and women both clothing and sneakers. A joint partner ship it will gain profits for us both. Inform me
Yes, dropshipping of replica cloths is still good to give it a try, we are doing it for on our website AryanArts33, we are getting good response (touch wood).
i sold replica sneakers & clothes back in 2021 and i made good money with free traffic on tiktok. i had a manufacturer in china, sneakers costed 80$ and i managed to sell it for over 150$. is it still smart to sell replicas in 2023 or should i dropship a other product?
it is still good idea. people are mad for sneakes. if they dont get to buy orignal product then they will buy replica. :)
let me know if your interested in being an reshipper for pharma products in US. Great money to earn and and good volume of orders weekly 30-50 orders, payment with crypto weekly.
interested buddy!!
of course ! The market is really blossoming right now. You just need the right country and good quality.
$80 replica shoes ::weep: The best quality replica sneakers in Istanbul cost 10 dollars.
Is it smart, no. Is it dumb, yes.

Good luck, hope you don't get caught
People still buying reps heavy, but branding your own inspired line might be safer long-term.
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