Is it ok to offer downloads?


Regular Member
Feb 6, 2008
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Here's the situation. I'm might acquire a download website. This site has a LOT of traffic and the site it totally whitehat and all downloads on the website are legal.

It offers downloads on tons of sections and gets a lot of downloads per day. However, one section it doesn't offer downloads for is music downloads. I know you can't just upload a cd and share it online because that is illegal. What I wanted to know is if I can face legal issues if I post indirect download links, meaning I will provide a link to download that cd but I don't host the music, and I don't have any affiliation with the website/server the album is hosted in.

Basically what I want to do is find links to download cds online and add BHCB to be able to download the cds. I just don't know if I can get sued or serious trouble if all I'm doing is providing people with a link I found elsewhere that really has nothing to do with me.

I'm also interested to know if I would get into trouble if create a rapidshare account and upload cds to rapidshare to provide myself instead of having to search for download links on the web.

Thanks for your time
I would like to know this too. Thanks for asking.

Still illegal bro, get offshore and stay safe if you decide to do it anyway.

I heard they can still track you down. Can't they track you though your CPA network?

Also, is it illegal to someone elses page that links to the music?
Also, is it illegal to someone elses page that links to the music?

Yeah I really would like to know this but I have a feeling that maybe only a lawyer could tell us. I hope someone knows though :)
Bumping in the hopes of someone who knows the answer seeing this =]
They can still track you down but I don't thin it will matter if you have offshore since you are hosting the content in a place where its legal to share warez.