Is It Normal For a Shared Web Host Unable To Handle 2K Traffics Per Day?


Regular Member
Oct 12, 2009
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Hi, I've used this cheap $5.50 per month hosting.

Support are great and fast.
Server speed also good.
No complaints at all.


So I have about 5 WordPress website hosted at that particular account.

1 of the domain, are getting about 2K hits per day, combined with other small website, let's assume it's around 2.5K hits per day.

Then the technical support sent me email I'm using too much resources and about to suspend my account and suggest I upgrade to a VPS plan.

This account is a shared server.

The question is, is this normal limitation for webhost?

I mean, we can't host a website with 2.5K hits per day on shared webhosting?
The problem is not the hits like the content that is downloaded by the users browsers.

A simple website with only text inside will not affect the bandwitch a lot but if there's a lot of images, video or other stuff like that, it can make the whole difference.

I seen many times hosting companies saying unlimited this and that but when they see that some users are ressources hungry, they changes their minds fast..
Same thing happened to me with Hostwinds. Now I'm paying $10 a month. I think it was because I would have 2-3 visitors a minute though.
The problem is not the hits like the content that is downloaded by the users browsers.

A simple website with only text inside will not affect the bandwitch a lot but if there's a lot of images, video or other stuff like that, it can make the whole difference.

I seen many times hosting companies saying unlimited this and that but when they see that some users are ressources hungry, they changes their minds fast..

This is a legit website, mean not a splog or low quality niche website.

I do posted at least 1 500 width image on every post.

Video and other stream media I host at Youtube.

So this things normal to you too eh?

Same thing happened to me with Hostwinds. Now I'm paying $10 a month. I think it was because I would have 2-3 visitors a minute though.

Well, actually this is Hostwind.

I don't feel comfortable to direct mention their name since actually they give me good support.
I'm moving to Hostwind since my old server are located at slow data center and always have DNS problems.
After moving, the traffics is 100% captured and this is what happen (Using too much resources). Haha

On other notes, website loading time do contribute to SEO and traffics ranking too.
I do posted at least 1 500 width image on every post.

If there's a lot of post with these picture sizes.. Yes it can make a difference...

Just calculate the number of picture X the size of them X the number of daily users...
If there's a lot of post with these picture sizes.. Yes it can make a difference...

Just calculate the number of picture X the size of them X the number of daily users...

The value is our bandwith right?

The tech people says I'm using too much RAM instead though.

Any advise on this?
The value is our bandwith right?

The tech people says I'm using too much RAM instead though.

Any advise on this?

Bandwidth refers to the amount of data being transferred. If you are sending out a lot of data, then you're going to being using a lot of resoures (RAM, cpu, etc).
You should have a BW meter on your account so you can see how much BW you're using. If more than 1000GB or maybe 500GB then you'll get their attention.

They gamble most shared hosts will never use 5GB a month. I'm surprised the FTC hasn't stepped on these hosts that advertise unlimited but know it's a lie. How can cheap accounts have unlimited but high end servers have 2000G to 5000G limits? Why does an unmetered 100M connection cost a dedi owner an extra $400 a month when a $5 account has unlimited BW? The reason is because it's a lie.

Usually what shared hosts do is throttle the pipe so you can only get 3M up and down speed. This limits the amount of bandwidth because the pipe is so small that even if full all day you'd only reach a low number of BW total for the month. If you were on my hosting service I'd just throttle your account and when you complained about speed then I'd tell you time to step up. Nicer way to say you're using too much BW.

Good luck with with 2000 Uniques a day you need a good size VPS. But you better see what you're using for BW or you might be having this same conversation next month. If more tha 2TB a month they'll force you to a dedi sooner or later.

Good luck, BW isn't free for any host so they can't give it away. RAM, CPU and BW are all related.
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This is normal, because these guys usually have something in small print in the agreement you signed to get a hosting account that lets them kick you out as a client like this.

I have also been kicked from smaller shared web hosters once my sites have gotten popular and picked up on traffic.

Sadly - you are not alone.

It's time for you to step up to a dedicated server.

It's a big jump in the price you'll pay for hosting, but you need to do it. The web server will run much more efficiently and should be more dependable (i.e.: it shouldn't go down).

BTW, you can't really say how much traffic per day a shared web hoster should be able to handle. Each server is different and each kind of website is different. Websites using databases, for example, require much more resources to run than websites without databases. The same with server side code...this eats up many more resources than sites just using static HTML pages.

Look on the bright side: being forced to get a better server is a sign that your website is becoming successful.
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Bandwidth is unimportant

We have uesrs on shared hosting pushing out 800 gb per month without tripping any "alarms"

It's the RAM and the CPU that we care about. Take a look at the plugins your site is running, trust me they make all the difference in the world.
You can come over to my hosting if you like :P. I don't mind 2k visitors.
Try hostgator. One of my blog has has over 11k page views per day and still no issues. I am having shared hosting baby package for that blog. Hope this helps. Also do you use W3 total cache or not ? Use it to reduce the resources usage at your current host. If problem still persist either upgrade to VPS or use hostgator baby plan. :)
The question is, is this normal limitation for webhost?

You need to learn this lesson real fast. Use a platform other than WordPress when you are hosting multiple medium traffic websites on shared hosting! If you doubt the veracity of that truth, read this statement from the owner of Zensix hosting at zensix-dot-com

No Wordpress Allowed! That's right, we're one of the only hosts you'll find who actively bans the popular blogging platform Wordpress. Normal hosting companies have servers with hundreds of installations of Wordpress, which mean slower servers and more exploits. Over the past four years we've had hundreds of requests from clients asking for Wordpress-free servers and now they're here! For more information, read this.

Why did they stop allowing WP? Because subscribers added tons of plugins and widgets that made their three WP websites become absolute resource HOGS. Other webhosts are starting to wise up and throttle down WP users.

Sure WP seemed great for newbies but no one looked down the road to see how many resources these resource HOGS would be demanding.

The key is, you are using WP is to use minimal plugins and widgets and I mean minimal. You need to hard code as much as possible. So to answer your question, "Yes!" Bear in mind, this is in reference to shared hosting.
....don't really agree with the above post by Crewchief007 but my advice, buy some hosting from people who do not ram a server full of people because of their stupidly low priced hosting.

Wordpress is a nice piece of software that if used properly will run fine on any hosting - if a host I used said don't use it because its a hog they wouldn't get my business any longer. If a host configures their server well enough and, as I said, doesn't cram the server full of $1 hosting then everyone will have a happier hosting experience.

Dig a bit deeper in your pocket and don't go with bargain basement hosts - remember a decent server would cost $250 plus cPanel fees ($38 ish) so if some one is selling hosting for $3 a month you will need something like 96 customers TO BREAK EVEN.

Looking at ZenSix (only because they have been mentioned - never heard / used of them before) each account has 15 domains per account so that could be up to 1440 accounts on the server.

Now, as I said the above only makes the company break even on the server - add in IP fees, bandwidth fees (if they are paying over bandwidth fees) and most of all support people fees (wages / commission) then they will have to at least double what they make on a server. So thats nearly 3000 accounts on a box.

That is the reason why cheap hosts either ban you for using too many resources, you get fed up due to slow servers etc, or they just give up and shut up shop due to them not making money as fast as they thought.

So, there is a quick overview of hosting from someone who has had a couple of small hosting companies in the past and the reason why I got out of the game ;)
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....don't really agree with the above post by Crewchief007...

You must of missed the part where I stressed all of my comments were solely relate to, "Shared Hosting" accounts.

No matter what shared hosting company he goes to, if he has a ton of WP plugins, [and everything else being equal] he is going to have that exact same problem. Of course, if he upgraded to the proper dedi or VPS, nothing of what I said - matters or is of any consequence. ;)