Is it allowed to use brand name in youtube video title?


May 26, 2020
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I am not familiar with US laws and can't understand is it allowed to use different brand names in title and description of my videos? For example could i create video like "My song about Harry Potter", or "Best Pirates of the Caribbean Cosplay", or "The dance with lightsabers from Star Wars"? I'm not planing to use music or footage from original videos, but my videos would be inspired by original one, also i'm planning to stylize thumbnail as in original movies and cartoons (using similar fonts and colors).
No problem on doing that. Different Popular kids channels already do this to clickbait. You can try too
Thanks for answer! I've seen a lot of them, but still can't understand are they in danger because of using brand name or that ok as somekind of fair use. And also what about demonitazation? Is it a problem?
There is no problem using someone elses trademark as long as your use would not confuse the average viewer into thinking you are the owners of that trademark. When it comes to products, just make sure that anything you say about them is either obviously personal opinion
no problem, it goes under free speech / critic /fair use
I have seen lots of videos does that.
If you don't do it you won't succeed. Do it!